Introduction  In the rich tapestry of higher education, the amalgamation of...
Decoding the Future of Higher Education: A Strategic Analysis
Introduction In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and...
Biomedical science and biotechnology
Biotechnology and biomedical sciences are two subjects that are gaining more...
Higher education as a human right
ACS - ASOMI College of Sciences is engaged in social issues, including human...
The EU and disability policies
Disability policies in the European Union. Â The European Union implements...
Successful higher education educations institutions satisfy their students’ needs
Digitalisation and the constantly changing trends it brings about, have their...
How to promote healthy dieting in universities and colleges
Dieting isn't only about eating less than usual because you want to lose...
How to choose a degree in healthcare subjects
Healthcare concerns all the facilities that have to do with human beings'...
The future of vocational education training (VET)
University is not the only way to successful employment; there are other...
The future of higher education
During the past two years, the entire world has experienced significant shifts...
Mechanical Link : foundations
Since ASOMI College of Sciences is engaged with issues regarding health,...
The importance of the first phase of osteopathic treatment
ASOMI College of Sciences is concerned with health-and wellness-related issues...
Fascia: a bodywide organ – part 2
Since ASOMI College of Sciences is concerned with issues regarding wellness...
Fascia: a bodywide organ – part 1
Since its contribution and interest in health-related issues, ASOMI College of...
Tensegrity: an osteopathic journey into structure-function 3 – part three
ASOMI College of Sciences is concerned with issues regarding health, including…
Tensegrity: an osteopathic journey into structure-function 2 – part two
Given that ASOMI College of Sciences is engaged with issues concerning health…
Tensegrity: an osteopathic journey into structure-function 1 – part one
Since ASOMI College of Sciences is concerned with health and osteopathy…
The fascial element in Osteopathic practice 2 – part two
ASOMI College of Sciences is engaged in osteopathy and health. Therefore…
The fascial element in Osteopathic practice 1 – part one
Since ASOMI College of Sciences is concerned with health and osteopathy, ACS...
The Art of Osteopathic Medicine: ‘finding the health’ – part two
This is the second part of the adaptation of Lever's scientific paper. ASOMI...
The Art of Osteopathic Medicine: ‘finding the health’ – part one
This is the first part of the adaptation of Lever's scientific paper and,...
An osteopathic approach to scars
This is an adaptation of a scientific paper by Rodolfo Amoroso Borges....
Holistic approach of osteopathy and of tissue memory – part two
Engaged in osteopathy, ASOMI College of Sciences recommends this adaptation…
Holistic approach of osteopathy and of tissue memory – part one
ASOMI College of Sciences is engaged in osteopathy and Gerald Urdich is one of…
Osteopathy: Specific Adjusting Technique – part two
ASOMI College of Sciences is engaged in health and, especially osteopathy…
Osteopathy: Specific Adjusting Technique – part one
ASOMI College of Sciences is engaged in health and, especially osteopathy…
New Partnership between ASOMI College of Sciences and the Bioarte Institute
One of the main objectives of ASOMI College of Sciences is that of...
The importance of Mentorship in Higher Education
This article explores mentoring in higher education. What exactly are the...
Empowering learning experience in higher education
The time of traditional teacher-based lessons is over. Students are now more...
Resources for helping student’s mental health
Lately, the coronavirus has not only been one of the main reasons for most...
Digital Learning in Higher Education
Online or, in other words, digital learning is a learning method consisting of...
Leadership in Higher Education
When it comes to higher education, leadership skills are unfortunately not...
Malta the Isle of Innovation
Malta is much more than just a touristic archipelago in the Mediterranean. It...
Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in higher education
The current society is afflicted by unequal opportunities mostly caused by...
Professional research in higher education
Professional research has never been easy, and becoming a researcher is...
A challenge in higher education: doctoral degree and entrepreneurship
There are several ways of building up your future, choosing to go to work...
Gender equality in higher education
Even if Western society is highly developed from a scientific and...
How to make classrooms more innovative
Creativity improves the learning process by synthesizing information while, at...
The challenges of technology in higher education
The technological revolution has brought about a lot of changes, including...
Wellbeing and technology: evolutions in higher education
Considering the ongoing developments in modern technology and the automation...