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How to choose a degree in healthcare subjects

By Asomi College of Sciences

Healthcare concerns all the facilities that have to do with human beings’ mental and physical well-being. So, pursuing a degree in one of the topics related to healthcare means to graduate in a health-related area.

A healthcare career will probably give you a wide range of prospects and a high chance to find a job right after your graduation. What is more, you can also get a specialisation in one of the areas concerning health or health sciences-related.

Consider courses with job experience

After choosing your career in a field related to health sciences, it is good to point some main topics out. For instance, consider that your future employers will probably ask if you’ve done a specialisation or an internship somewhere. So, before beginning your profession in health sciences, you should consider any internship opportunities that you could sign up for.

Whether offered by the college or university, you are attending or an outside institution, it is essential to practice. That is because whatever the career you’ve chosen, health sciences deal with people’s health and well-being, so when it comes to working and taking so essential decisions, it is normal for employers to require job experience.

Choose your career carefully

Of course, people usually earn a degree in a health-related subject area because they want to advance their careers. These typically include healthcare, social care, charity and other voluntary work and sectors. A Healthcare degree could also help change your job or the industry you work in. You could also become a researcher in a discipline regarding the health sector.

The most widespread careers in the health care sector are:
nurses, technicians of various kinds (e.g. cardiovascular, anaesthesia or surgical technicians), physical therapy assistants, medical assistants, respiratory therapists, radiation therapists. Also physiotherapy and osteopathy, including all their specialisation areas, are professions related to the health care sector. However, the latter two are professions that belong to the niche market, making them even better choices for your future career in health sciences because there is less competitiveness.

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Clinical VS non-clinical Besides, your future career in health sciences does not only have to be all about clinical work. That means that people working in the health sector are working in the office, for instance, in administration or management. However, some non-clinical jobs require an in-depth understanding of health. For example, a claims reviewer has to know sufficient details regarding health-related issues. Moreover, another example would be that of medical and health services managers. Even if one wants to become a medical equipment or pharmaceutical sales representative, they would have to study a healthcare-related subject. If they’re going to sell their products, they would have to know what they are selling and the purposes of the product. It also might become helpful in analysing their target or, in other words, their clients. Whether public or private, health facilities are always hard to manage for people who have no experience in health-related matters. In other words Work experience is one of the essential things in health care. Even if there are a lot of job offers in the healthcare sector and if the job demand is high, the work experience has to be done to get a better and immediate position. So, in your career choice related to the health sciences sector, you should pay attention to the following three factors: making enough work experience, if what you chose belongs to the niche market and whether to choose the clinical or a non-clinical path. The second thing to consider is the type of career you would like to pursue. Not all jobs suit you, and you should consider that a less widespread choice is always better because there is less competitiveness which allows you to make more strategic manoeuvres. The third but not the less important side to consider about your healthcare career is pursuing a clinical or a non-clinical path. ACS – ASOMI College of Sciences Check out the Bachelors of Sciences courses in osteopathy and physiotherapy at ACS College. These courses are part of our health sciences department, and besides, we are currently planning, developing and accrediting other studies in this department. For instance, some of the course programmes that will soon be available are psychology and sports physiotherapy. It is possible to make an internship at the paces of our partnering institutions all around Malta, Italy and Europe. For further details, click here.
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