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Statute ACS

The ASOMI College of Sciences (ACS) statute regulates, defines, and describes the activities conducted by the college.
ACS is an accredited institution, and the College carries out its activities as follows:

Chapter I - Definition

The statute at hand is applied as follows:
– Degree programmes: undergraduate degree courses, graduate degree courses and master’s degree courses
– Qualifications: undergraduate, graduate, master’s

These definitions, included the following ones, comply with Maltese laws and legislation and cogent European terminology.

The degree titles in the following statute might be released conjunctly with other Maltese or foreign institutions. The delivery of the qualifications at hand is regulated by the conventions stipulated with the involved institutions.

The didactic policies regulate the entry requirements, the course duration, and the achievement of the qualifications.

The degree programmes have to be delivered in English, and however, ACS can provide them also in other languages such as Italian or French. Knowledge of English is a mandatory requisite for the achievement of the academic title.

The President, alongside coordination and the faculties’ board, will determine the starting date of the courses. The date and the application procedure will be published on the ACS College website.

ACS ASOMI College of Sciences has the right to participate in companies/businesses or other private enterprises for the creativity/design, promotion, realization and/or the development of research and/or teaching or different types applicable to didactic activities in meeting its institutional objectives. / Other types of didactic activities.

Students are expected to pay their college fees and contributions to ACS. Moreover, other types of funds are addressed for the economical maintenance of the institution at hand.
However, all willing private and public institutions are allowed to support ACS promoters.

Chapter II - Bachelor courses

The degree course aims to assure the student with an adequate mastery of general scientific methods and contents and the acquisition of specific and professional knowledge.
The knowledge and competence gaining progress are predefined in inserting the graduates in the labour market to perform professional activities, regulated according to the national and European legislation.

The high school diploma or another type of equivalent foreign or Maltese officially acknowledged title is mandatory for admission to the bachelor course. Ordinances and Regulations can require other instruction or culture-related requisites for the entry requirements of Degree programmes.
One hundred eighty credits are necessary for obtaining the degree.
The degree is obtained through a final examination. Thus, the methods are determined in the teaching regulation of the degree programme.

Whenever ACS College, with the approval of the scientific committee and the involved faculties and departments, stipulates an agreement with other universities or higher education institutions for a double or a combined qualification; the required prerequisite can be obtained partly at ACS College and in part in another higher education institution or entirely at another ACS partner university or higher education institution.

The qualification can be attained:
A) in the case of a combined qualification, on the same certificate which includes all involved universities/higher education institutions
B) in the case of a double qualification, the title has to be separate for each partnering higher education institution

For both, qualifications the study program and the list of the units have to be approved by ACS as required from the other higher education/partnering institutions.

Chapter III - Master's courses

Learners can obtain a Master’s degree after gaining the undergraduate degree. Those who earn their master’s degree are academically qualified as ‘master’s doctor’.
The master’s programme courses aim to provide students with an advanced level of instruction for operating in highly qualified sectors.
Usually, the master’s degree programmes last for two years.
To obtain a master’s degree, the student, already in possession of an undergraduate qualification, has to have 120 credits, as is required by the ordinances and regulations of the degree programme to which they are subscribed.
For the master’s degree, it is necessary to submit a presentation of an elaborate thesis by the student in collaboration with a thesis tutor.

Chapter IV - The duration of the degree course

The average duration of a degree course goes from one to six years. To obtain the title, a student has to acquire 60 ETCS a year, accordingly to the guidelines of the study schedule of their course.
Averagely speaking, a full-time student should acquire 60 ETCS per schoolyear. It is possible to enrol part-time following the policies set by ACS.

Besides the educational activities, the undergraduate/master’s degree course includes workshops and work experience, organized in collaboration with private and public Maltese or foreign institutions. The latter are arranged based on the concrete and practical needs of the training opportunity.

Chapter V - Final assessments

For each learning activity of the degree program, there is a final assessment at the end of the study period. For the learning activities divided into modules, the final evaluation is still unitary and collegial. The passing of an exam or a test attributes the student ECTS credits for the learning activity at hand.

The final assessments can consist of oral examinations, a written test or a paper, or an oral report on the carried-out activities. It can also consist of a free-response or multiple-choice test, in a workshop assessment or a desktop exercise. The final evaluations, consisting of more than one of the abovementioned methods, and the potential in-class tests will be communicated by the leading professor of the learning activity. The nature of the final assessment has to be equal for all students and respect the criteria stabilized at the beginning of the academic year.

The exam period will be fixed at the beginning of each academic year and published on the specific web portal for the students. The assessment period begins at the end of each study course. The didactic schedule (lessons and exams) for the degree courses is established annually by the President, Administrative Committees, Joint Scientific and Administrative Committees, and Scientific Committees.

The department director fixes the schedules and the assessment calendar. The assessment calendar will be published in advance, and the lessons and assessments’ timetable will be communicated efficiently and in advance.

Chapter VI - Degree conferment/awarding

There is a public ceremony for the awarding of qualifications and diplomas. With the approval of the scientific committee coordinator and faculty board, these ceremonies may also be public or absent. A candidate is eligible for certification only after being certified by the President. The latter ensures the compliance with all relevant conditions prescribed by statutes, regulations, and rules. Moreover, the President certifies that all other obligations and responsibilities of the candidate towards ACS college have been satisfied. No person can be qualified as an ACS College degree or diploma holder unless such degree or diploma has not been awarded as prescribed.

Chapter VII - Honorary Degrees

ACS College is also entitled in conferring honorary degrees as required by the Regulations for the conferral of honorary degrees.

Chapter VIII - Student career

The regulation concerning students’ careers is a matter of the Student Regulations which defines:

  • enrolment in study courses
  • the recognition of credits of academic qualification or partial academic studies
  • enrolment in single course units
  • the nature of enrolment, the Career Plan and coursework
  • assignments and the final exam regulations
  • revocation, interruption, resignation, and suspension of studies
  • relocation of students
Chapter IX - Orientation and Tutoring

Guidance and mentoring service help students make mature and aware choices when it comes to their educational path. The latter helps prevent dispersion and delay in studies and favouring internship experiences in companies and institutions, including the placement in the labour market.
The activities and initiatives are organized by ACS and collaborate with other higher education institutions and/or with secondary schools or other external bodies.

The abovementioned activities and initiatives are carried out both in presence as well as online.
As part of the tutoring services, ACS can also activate specific intensive remedial courses to allow the students, including the disadvantaged ones, more effective use of the training offer.
ACS is committed to promoting activities in overcoming difficulties that might hinder the international students’ performance. The latter is conducted by setting up courses in English and providing cultural mediation and supporting initiatives.

Chapter X - SLD or disabled students

ACS is engaged in:
– Promotion of the hospitality and integration of disabled or SLD students
– Promotion of the right to study of SLD or disabled students: ACS provides services and necessary help in overcoming the barriers imposed by the various types of disabilities and adopts dispensatory or compensatory measures in cases of learning disabilities.
– The dissemination of available services and aid to make them effective and accessible to interested parties.
Providing accessibility to the studying spaces and other types of on-site locations
– Supporting the access to the teaching materials needed for the studying process, identification of students or other types of training tools.
– Providing books in an accessible format to students with visual impairments or with physical disabilities.

Chapter XI - ACS: The Organizational Structure
  • ACS President
  • Vice president
  • Administrative Committees
  • Joint Scientific and Administrative Committees
  • Scientific Committees
  • Faculty Board
  • Council of Faculties
  • Departmental Board
  • Interfaculty Board

The duration of office mandates: Elected members are appointed for a two-year term.

Chapter XII -The ACS President

Supports institute coordinators in keeping order and creates an institutional academic environment that excels in education and research.
Ensures that the updated statements of any certificates, diplomas and courses of study comply with their programs. Additionally, the descriptions of the study units offered in these programs and the regulations and statutes regulating such programs are submitted by January of each academic year.
Ensures that the delivery of study programs within the institution/centre is by the published statement, in compliance with regulations and statutes and line with established quality assurance standards and procedures.

Ensures that all teaching schedules and assignment calendars are managed by the institution/centre properly.

Ensures that the coordinators of the committees compile and submit to the President of ACS College an annual report no later than by September of each academic year. The notice must enclose the activities, initiatives, and achievements of the institution/centre.
Enforces ACS College’s regulations and policies, both current as well as the ones that will be implemented during the mandate of ACS President
Ensures to be on-call through the secretarial staff of the institute/centre.
Convenes and chairs the meetings of all collegiate bodies at least twice per semester and ensures that follow-up actions are taken.

Chapter XIII -ACS Departments
  • Department of Health Sciences
  • Department of Innovation and Technology
  • Department of Finance and Law
  • Department of Design and Fine Arts
Chapter XIV -Gender equity

ACS promotes equal and gender-neutral opportunities to all students and staff in research and work-related disciplines.
It counters, addresses, and prevents any form of discrimination based on gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, political thought, religious belief, personal abilities, age, sexual orientation and contractual status, and oppressive behaviour and forms of moral, physical, and physical psychological violence.
ACS provides support for those who consider themselves victims of discrimination or other activities damaging their image and dignity
ACS promotes actions aimed at facilitation and reconciliation of activities between life and work. It moreover encourages the creation of a work environment inspired by organizational well-being by removing inequalities hindering the fulfilment of employees in the workplace.
ACS drafts and implements actions to ensure and develop equal opportunities in the collegial environment and work-, research-, teaching- and study-related activities while monitoring their implementation.
ACS has approved an equal opportunities plan published on its website. The program has been established according to the European Commission guidelines.

Chapter XV -Interfaculty Board

The board is composed of teachers and students, and it represents all its components.
It periodically evaluates students’ learning outcomes in terms of satisfaction, personal and professional development, employment prospects, and the needs of the labour market and business world.

It formulates proposals periodically for improving the teaching quality and effectiveness of the Department.

Chapter XVI -Research centres

To reach its goals, ACS develops research and carries out experimental teaching activities and related activities, with the collaboration and support of both; public and private Maltese and foreign actors.
ACS is allowed to establish research centres. Research centres are structures set up for the promotion and conduction of research aimed at specific objectives.
Through specific agreements with public and private bodies, ACS can also set up research centres in collaboration with other higher education institutions and -non. The President arranges their establishment, and the organization of the research centres is governed by the respective regulations approved by the board of directors.
According to the procedures established in the relevant regulation, ACS can award grants for research collaboration.

Chapter XVII -Research - International Cooperation and Agreements

ACS supports research activities, professional consultancy, and services for third parties based on specific contracts and agreements.
ACS promotes research, professional consultancy, and services favouring third parties with non-profit or pro-bono entities based on specific contracts and agreements.
ACS promotes research activities, professional consultancy, and services favouring Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). ACS helps them develop innovative ways to pursue their goals and implement new organizational models that focus on combining social causes to income generation economic sustainability.
To define and implement scientific cooperation and training programs, ACS collaborates with national and international organizations.
To carry out international cooperation, ACS can enter into agreements and conventions with higher education institutions, training institutes and cultural and scientific institutes of other countries. Therefore, it can promote and encourage international exchanges of teachers, researchers, and students, including interventions of economic nature.
The President ACS undertakes the reporting and management of the finances disbursed for contributions for financing projects.
ACS provides for the negotiation and stipulation of agreements with the centres participating in the non-profit studies promoted by ACS

Chapter XVIII -Ethics Committee

The E.C. is an independent, non-profit structure that focuses on issues such as:
– Human rights and protection of men
– Protection and welfare of animals
– Data and privacy protection
– Environmental Protection
– Malicious use of research results
– Adherence to international, European, and national laws.
– It may also address research integrity issues, including fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism in proposing, executing, or reviewing as well as reporting research results. The latter moreover includes a misrepresentation of credentials and improprieties in paternity.

The lack of conflicts of interest in the proposed experiments is guaranteed by an annual declaration signed by the members, in which they undertake not to:
– To pronounce on those trials for which a direct or indirect conflict of interest may exist.
– Their involvement in the design, management, or direction of the experimentation.
– The existence of relationships of dependence, consultancy, or collaboration with the investigator or the company that conducts the experimental study.
– The lack of economic-financial joint interests between the members of the committee and the companies promoting the experimentation.
From among the non-employee members, the Ethics Committee elects a Chairman from among its members by secret vote. The committee then proceeds with a vice president’s election, and the latter replaces the President in case of absence or impediment.
The E.C. expresses opinions, formulates proposals, and promotes the research and study ethics regarding the following activities:
– Biomedical and surgical research, mainly clinical and pharmacological experimentation
– Palliative care
– The use of unconventional therapeutic practices
– The relationship between the therapist and the patient
– The relationship between the patient and the health facility
– Environmental safety and hygiene
– Verifying the insurance coverage for any damage deriving from the clinical trial
– Verifying the adequacy of the financial charges of the experimentation
– Monitoring the progress of the experiment by acquiring the in-progress as well as final results. E.C. also verifies that the ethical criteria contained in the protocols or referred in issued opinions are met
– Carry out any other activity required by current legislation as part of the clinical trial
The E.C. promotes reflection, information, training, updating and ethical awareness within the health institutions and other components through meetings, seminars, study groups. In this context, the members of the E.C. make themselves available to participate in training courses on specific topics of interest;
E.C. also has a communicative function: in this key, E.C. constantly consolidates and updates relationships with company structures, with other ethics committees, with institutions and with the society.

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