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Empowering learning experience in higher education

By Asomi College of Sciences
The time of traditional teacher-based lessons is over. Students are now more involved in the lesson activities, often directly and in first-person. Rankings in universities and colleges providing the best learning experience are of high value; thus, learning experience management, for instance, is a theory that should be put into practice to improve higher education institutes’ reputation. Moreover, transparent and mired approaches based on real-life experiences and situations might be helpful when it comes to adult learners.

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The traditional teaching method

In most cases, students were used to passive listening and lesson following, which were no more than endless lectures. TTT or the teacher talking time made up most of the lesson. In these cases, students mainly learned by heart or recall. But not all has been lost. Active pedagogies began their emerging progress from the first half of the Nineties. These pedagogies included approaches in which students would learn in first-person and in which they would be involved in the learning process.

What do active pedagogies include

Moreover, it also included peer-to-peer learning (teamwork) and the simulation of real-world problems which do not have accurate and concrete solutions. Experiential approaches, competency-based education, and personalized learning approaches are just a few solutions to facilitate the learning experience. ACS – ASOMI College of Sciences adapts up-to-date methods to improve both teaching and learning experience. ACS moreover pays attention to experience-based approaches designed for better learning experience management.

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Higher education: the scenario to consider

With the advancement of technology, digital and online learning, the current higher education scenario is full of competitors. Therefore, courses and programs have to be well designed to engage students’ attention. Moreover, the world is governed by several elements such as organizations, institutions, corporations, and stakeholders. Thus, higher education must consider the variety of factors and circumstances before designing their programs is significant. There is, nowadays, a lot of competition between public and private universities as well as colleges.

Learning experience management

Therefore, the quality of the education provided is also quite proficient. Learning experience management (LEM) could be of great help in these cases. Namely, the pre-graduation phase evaluates students’ capacities and needs and then sets benchmarks that have to be reached during their educational path. Then, students are assessed and analyzed, their weaknesses are improved, and they are monitored throughout the entire duration of their path.

While in the post-learning phase, an evaluation is made to have a clear overview of whether they have reached the benchmarks they had set out at the beginning or not. The evaluation results are proof of the satisfaction level, which helps to understand the quality of teaching in a higher education institute.

Adult learning

For instance, as long as adult learning is concerned, some focal points are considered to render their learning experience effective. For example, adults prefer to have their educational path lined out clearly step by step, and they want it to have a specific purpose. The latter will help them feel more motivated; additionally, other factors such as time have to be well-managed. Most adults work, and thus, they have no time. That is why they often attend part-time higher-education programs.

Colleges and universities must design a purposeful course where every minute is usefully spent. Therefore, it is also helpful to let learners know what the specific aims of the activities are. Students not adhering to a traditional learning path also might have had a lot to learn on their own. That is why approaches and materials should be linked to real-world situations already known by the students.


In the current competent world, the learning experience is crucial not only for students, whether adult or not, but also for the university’s survival since a high rating in education quality has its relevance.

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