TradeMalta also organized meetings in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Six government entities and twelve private colleges, including ACS, took part in this initiative managed by TradeMalta. Several seminars on education and training were held in the Malta pavilion. Besides, there were also several organized visits in other countries’ pavilions for having the chance to increment networking and collaboration opportunities in the educational field.
Besides, the participants had to choose between three major categories: mobility, opportunity, and sustainability. Maltese pavilion is in the opportunity district. As we suppose you already know, ACS – ASOMI College of Sciences is a higher education institution located in Malta. However, it is an international college engaged with the principle of innovation. Moreover, opportunity and innovation are strongly linked. Therefore, innovation in higher education motivated the participation of ASOMI College of Sciences at the Dubai EXPO.
The Malta Pavilion has two floors: the exposition area is on the ground floor, while the interactive space is on the first floor. The latter site serves for meetings, conferences and workshops, which usually occur between international delegations of enterprises.
The partaking of Malta at the EXPO is managed by Malta Enterprise. Prior to the EXPO, the organization also launched a call to project, build and decorate the Maltese pavilion.
One of the Maltese government aims is to create closer ties with the government of the United Arab Emirates. Moreover, their aim stops at renewing relations with the local government and with other countries to raise export rates.
The aim of the participation of Malta in the EXPO 2020 of Dubai is to expose the island’s educational, health, economic, environmental, and social potential. Moreover, it aims to attract regular tourists or international enterprises and business visitors.
The post-pandemic era is the best moment for a change in a positive way: scientific development, brainstorming between innovators and networking among businesses.
In fact, in this context, Malta aims for encouraging startups, foreign investments and international expansion. The creation of opportunities and the connection between cultures are undoubtedly the promoting pillars of this initiative.
Dubai EXPO 2020 is the first EXPO organized in the Middle East, African and South-Eastern countries, the so-called MEASA region. Moreover, it is also the first EXPO hosted by an Arab nation.
The EXPO lasts from October 2021 to March 2022 and is divided into theme weeks. The ten themes, which change every week, are mostly connected to issues of worldwide importance, mostly about socio-economic, environmental, and innovative spheres. The EXPO aims for the promotion of innovation, cooperation, and collaboration.
Originally, Dubai EXPO was supposed to last from 2020 to 2021, but, as we already know, last year was undoubtedly difficult for all of us due to the Covid 19 pandemics. Therefore, the EXPO is now taking place in 2021 since the pandemical situation is not as critical as in 2020.
If partaking in the 2020 Dubai EXPO taught us something, it is by no doubt that the post-pandemics world is full of new innovative opportunities. The aim should be science, international cooperation, networking, and investments. And, of course, education in innovational settings. ACS – ASOMI College of Sciences is a higher education institution applying all the principles mentioned above in their vision of delivering education.