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The european climate pact

By Asomi College of Sciences

ACS – ASOMI College of Sciences is engaged in green initiatives regarding the preservation of the environment. Therefore, ACS is keen on keeping its students and collaborators aware of the local actions for climate change. This time it is about the European Climate Pact.  

The European Climate Pact is a part of the European Green Deal. It is an initiative to build a greener Europe by engaging communities, organisations, and people in climate action. By involving people, communities and organisations, the EU Climate Pact helps them connect, share knowledge, learn about, and develop solutions to climate change. 

The European Climate Pact

The Climate Pact is necessary because climate change is accurate, and it affects the entire planet. Every continent should act to save and preserve the habitat for all living creatures and create a better future for the forthcoming generations. As policies are laws are not enough, everyone should reconsider their everyday choices. Furthermore, climate action facilitates the way we live in terms of society and economy. The European Climate Pact aims to bring together people and organisations who are already making conscious choices and who are not yet well-informed but willing to change. 

The Climate Pact aims to share practices and ideas for boosting the positive impact of climate action.  The Pact is about supporting the effort and spreading awareness on climate change. The Pact focuses on four main fields of the European Society for the well-being of citizens and organisations. In other words, the involved functions are recreational areas, transport, buildings, and skills. Moreover, the Climate Pact foresees the spread to other fields, such as healthy food and diets, sustainable consumption and production, rural and coastal areas, and soil quality. As the Pact has an open mandate, it will be founded on the intentions of people and organisations that partake in the Pact. 

Green areas

To cope with climate threats, the European Union needs to create more green areas. Cities and urban areas need more trees for the absorption of greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the temperature. While as, in rural places, trees contribute to ecotourism and agriculture. Trees require long-term care, and therefore the Climate Pact allows committed organisations and citizens to plant and care for trees. Moreover, the Pact will re-join already existing platforms and networks. The Pact gives local authorities the possibility to protect, enlarge and restore green urban areas. Businesses, communities, landowners, and local governments have to dialogue and cooperate in widening these areas. 


Furthermore, the green deal foresees the use of green transport. Indeed, the transportation we choose impacts the carbon footprint as well. Clean mobility such as walking and cycling makes the air cleaner in cities. Therefore, local authorities in the European Union should adopt innovative and digital solutions for public transport and private transportation means such as electric cars or scooters. Many places all around Europe are already adapting greener transport, preferring it to fossil-burning vehicles. These green transport solutions are mainly electric bicycles and other cars, green trains and buses and new cycling lanes. Since the rural areas foresee more considerable distances, greener transport solutions have to be also implemented in the countryside. The use of clean mobility and green transport will improve the environment and the health of people. The European Green Deal will support all the options that let people move in a healthy and less polluting way to promote green transport and clean mobility. Therefore, the European Green Deal seeks to collaborate with initiatives dealing with climate change to help them boost their impact. It functions as a green point of reference for greener transport. 

Green buildings 

There are still too many buildings running on fossil fuel energy. Moreover, there are many poorly insulated buildings, and most of them are not meant to cope with harsh weather conditions such as floods or heatwaves. The buildings have to be renovated to make them more climate-friendly and new, innovative and greener buildings must be built. For improving the buildings’ energy performance, the European Union has launched an initiative called Renovation Wave. It aims to double renovation rates by 2030 and ensure better energy and resource efficiency. This initiative also creates new jobs in the construction industry. Therefore, to implement this initiative, the European green deal will raise awareness of building renovation, give technical assistance to the local authorities and citizens, including the funding opportunities.

Green skills

The European Union also implements the coaching of workers for letting them to be more aware environmentally speaking. The European Union seeks to spread the awareness on the climate change among the people across the continent. 

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