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The climate change: the denialists versus facts

By Asomi College of Sciences
After the recent COP 26 summit and the continuous alerts on climate warming and sustainability have become themes on which every individual and company concentrate. However, some organisations, institutions, and companies have an economy based on fossil and oil consumption, reliance, and subsidies. The latter are spreading their voice on the media denying climate change.

Click here for knowing how the European Union handles the climate change.


Lately, the climate change denialists have focused on other aspects of climate warming rather than denying the thing thoroughly. So, the people denying climate change are now looking for causes and concentrating on the effects of global warming. These companies or people bring forward inconvenient facts that they retain to be the truth. Indeed, it would be rather a lucky case of climate change wasn’t actual, but it still is, and therefore the inhabitants of the Earth must cooperate to decide which steps to take next to avoid the disaster.

Claims by the denialists

Global warming is not so bad at all

The first myth to break among the denialists’ beliefs is the real impact of global warming on our planet. The denialists claim that the cold weather is more efficient than the hot one in killing people and disturbing everyday life. So, the denialists believe that the Earth becomes a more habitable place since the cold kills more people than the heat. As one can imagine, these “facts” are cherry-picked. Of course, all the areas will get warmer, but this will have only a short-time positive effect. The cold parts of the world get hotter, but all flora and fauna will be disturbed or even destroyed by the death of many species.

Moreover, the already hot parts of the world might foresee disastrous rainfalls, which disturbs the possibility to raise crops or doing any other helpful action in these areas. The vertiginous rise of the sea levels in the last years may cause the inundation of the low areas of our planet. Finally, there will also be more heat-related deaths.

Climate warming impoverishes our planet in economic means.

Of course, since humans started employing fossil fuels in the industry, which allowed them to make things at an incredibly augmented scale, economic well-being has improved over the past centuries. But using renewable energy does not mean that we are going back to the Middle Ages, and it means that now we have the necessary technology to do all sorts of work. Besides that, currently, renewable energy is cheaper than energy powered by gas. Additionally, the natural disasters caused by climate warming would affect the poorest parts of the world even more.

Renewable energy is unreliable.

The denialists believe that renewable energy is unreliable. Whenever a blackout occurs in an area that relies on renewable energy, the remarkable fossil and oil companies blame the green energy. The blackouts or other similar problems are caused by the lousy distribution and generation management of the power. The fossil and oil-dependent companies often underline that wind turbines kill birds and other flying animals such as bats. The use and production of fossil and oil energy kill more animals than wind turbines will ever do.

The Grand Solar Minimum

The biggest reason, however, is the grand solar minimum. The tremendous solar minimum is believed to halt warming and save the planet. The denialists do not believe in climate warming and are thus convinced that the grand solar minimum causes the temperature change. In the denialists’ opinion, the grand solar minimum should cool down our planet since, at some point, it might not receive so much solar energy as it usually does. So, the latter believe that the rise and fall of the Earth’s temperature are a natural phenomenon. The grand solar minimum will happen during this century, but the planet will be colder for only about 0.1 to 0.2 degrees. However, the facts prove that humans have caused, with the greenhouse gases, the rise of the temperature to about 1.2 C. The latter will continue rising and could reach 2.4 C by the end of this century.

Moreover, the temperature changes because the greenhouse gases are trapped in the atmosphere – the nearest layer to the Earth. While the stratosphere, which is the closest layer of the “atmosphere” to the Sun, will get colder. The heath, which should be released from the atmosphere to the stratosphere, is held by greenhouse gases caused, for instance, by the burning of carbon oxide. The latter, of course, is caused by human action.

The role of higher education institutions

In this case, higher education institutions, such as ACS – ASOMI College of Sciences should intervene. The institutions should collaborate to inform and spread the correct and certified information on climate change. They should raise awareness of the impact of humans on the environment and propose concrete actions to do something about this issue. For this reason, universities and colleges should cooperate with other intuitions and organisations on local and international levels. ACS is climate-conscious and raises awareness of the problems connected to the environment. ACS moreover helps the preservation of the environment with greening initiatives.

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