A man of honour, generous, available, totally devoted to the osteopathic tradition and yet open to integrate it with any valuable modern interpretation and application in the clinical and research field.
Truly a pioneer in the ’80s when he proposed the concept of the fascial continuum model of the ‘big bandage’ emphasizing the integrity of the fascial system, leading to the development of fascial release and fascial ligamentous release techniques.
I had the honour to meet him and collaborate with him in the editing of the book Fascia in the Osteopathic Field, where I had the opportunity to sense and appreciate all of his passion, knowledge, experience and dedication into this topic.
I can certainly say, in the name of the all osteopathic world, that we do and we will miss you indeed Anthony…we will miss the heritage you were keeping alive with your devotion, we will miss the man with all of his charismatic being, we will miss the osteopath fully dedicated to the profession…
Thank you Anthony for all you have done with me, thank you for all you have taught me, thank you for the example you have been for all of us.
We won’t forget you, you’ll always be alive in our hearts.
May you rest in peace my dear friend
Paolo T.