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Organisational culture in business organisations

By Asomi College of Sciences

ASOMI College of Sciences is engaged in themes regarding business management, and therefore, it warmly recommends the following article on organisational culture in business organisations. The corporate culture of a business organisation is essential for it defines how a company is managed, and thus, it involves crucial aspects such as innovation and creativity – both determining factors for the reputation and productivity of a business organisation. 

The goal-oriented culture 

Organisations founded on goal-oriented culture are innovative. Leaders are the ones responsible for the organisation inside a corporation. They are responsible for the adaptation of the employees to the company’s culture. Moreover, whenever a new employee is hired, he or she gives better performance by helping to raise productivity and improve innovation when the organisational culture is well distributed and organised by the managers. Therefore, the new employees will be more influenced when arriving at a group with its own corporate culture. In other words, the more evident the culture in a given group, the more the new-arrived will be influenced by that culture.  

In addition, an individual will be influenced by the group’s values in organisational culture. For instance, when the entire group is oriented towards creativity, the individuals will also be more creative, whether early or old-timers. So, the values determine a group and thus the orientation of the people in it. 

How to deal with components having different characters

Moreover, it is unavoidable that people composing a group will and do have different characters.  Therefore, even if it often seemed like an obstacle, organisations can still reverse it positively in the means of creativity. Every other type of character helps to improve rather than worsen the exchange of ideas by leading to originality which gives space to the imagination and inspirationLeaders are responsible for managing the organisational culture and disseminating values to the rest of the group. The leaders can motivate the employees to be innovative and adopt ideas for meeting the company’s goals


Routines and power relations

The cultural affiliation in an organisation is evaluated by analysing routines and power relations. Given the above mentioned factors, it is essential to underline that its organisational culture defines the internal consistency of an organisation. Therefore, it is often challenging to articulate assumptions of the individuals within the organisation. In every case, the relation between the organisational culture and some job-related variables gives clues about employees’ performance such as commitment, involvement, job satisfaction, and more. Nevertheless, the cultural affiliation in an organisation can be evaluated by using differentiation, integration, and fragmentation. The factors mentioned above are the ones characterising and distinguishing one organisation from another. As long as changes in a group are considered, the change initiated in an organisational culture is achieved the best through assumptions and practices.

Meeting innovation goals

Culture determines the right path to which an organisation should stick. Proper planning and creativity define successful innovation. If a company lacks innovative and creative traits in its culture, this kind of culture will not lead the organisation toward success. Leaders are the ones who have the task of ensuring that these values are put into practice in the organisation. Accordingly, organisational leaders are perceived as policymakers in the organisation’s operations. Therefore, they provide that culture is appropriately adapted for meeting the organisation’s innovation goals. 

In conclusion

Change and innovation are the two main factors that depend on organisational culture. The corporate culture is defined by an analysis of routines and power relations. The latter can be evaluated by analysing the following three concepts: differentiation, integration, and fragmentation. Moreover, the more leaders highlight the values of their groups, the more the other components are devoted to these values. This last concept is instrumental in reaching the company’s goals and aspirations

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