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Modernizing higher education institutions: the latest trends

By Asomi College of Sciences
The pandemics see no return: whether we like it or not, the world is not the same after the Coronavirus outburst. Education and especially higher education have to reinvent themselves by creating an educational sphere that our society deserves.

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Student satisfaction

At the centre of this new educational model, there is but one thing: student satisfaction. For some old-schoolers, it may seem absurd and, in some ways, even way too commercialized. Some may even argue that instruction should not be (directly) connected to commercial means. Whether we like it or not, the transformation is already on, and there is no way back.

Since the old educational model does not function anymore – we need only to think about the panics after higher education institutions had to deliver online lessons only – it is the time to create an education we deserve. A more detailed analysis of how universities and colleges should modernize is illustrated below.

The educational model and culture used until Coronavirus outbroke at the end of 2019 were outdated and too theoretical. Today, employers demand that their employees have higher instruction, but they still prefer candidates with years of skills at their back. That is the mindset: theoretically, everyone is good at what they are doing, but it isn’t easy to practice. That said, too much academic training will render graduates academically prepared but unprepared to get a job after graduation.


At first, international students had to find themselves an accommodation and move to another country. Of course, all this is possible also in this covid-19 aftermath era, but things have changed. More and more online or blended lessons will be delivered. That is good for avoiding everyday commuting, or even that international students must move away from their country of origin. Additionally, besides saving students’ money, it is also helpful for institutions in saving campus space and, therefore, expenses.

And, since the quality of an institution now depends significantly on student satisfaction, it is good that by saving on these expenses, the higher education institutions can invest it in the facilities offered to students. When it comes to international students, the panorama is also more expansive now that globalization is happening. International HEIs, where the lessons are delivered in more languages (including the staff’s linguistic skills as well as facilities), are going to thrive thanks to that aspect. More and more institutions will look towards internationality.

Practical VS academic

Higher education institutions have to adjust themselves to what students want and not only. HEIs have to consider what do the local governments, employers and the community expect from them. That becomes even more crucial since the overly academic role will fade as the practical side will take over.

It does not mean that higher education institutions will completely lose their educational purpose, but by no doubt, they will become more practical. Specific job experience and other kinds of hands-on approaches will become essential aspects for universities and colleges. Moreover, all these aspects will go based on the needs of the current labour market.


As already mentioned, the quality of an institution will be measured based on student satisfaction in terms of post-graduation employability and not only. Services and facilities are other features that are already becoming always more important for higher education institutions. That said, universities and colleges cannot permit themselves to stay without the possibility to deliver online lessons or provide only hard copies of the study material. Everything has to be available online and practical. Moreover, the overall mentality nowadays wants the services to be excellent, think on some eCommerce providers.

Given that situation, universities and colleges have now be receptive and prepared for different kinds of needs required by their students. The institutions have to anticipate the needs of the mindset of modern students, employers and the community. Successful higher education institutions, such as ACS – ASOMI College of Sciences, are dynamic. ACS uses the latest ICT equipment for the learning platforms and materials, and facilities. Indeed, lessons are delivered in blended or fully online mode.


ACS is practice-oriented; its strong point is mixing the academic side with the practical one. It offers its students the possibility to partake in internships, collaboration projects, and research worldwide. Moreover, ACS is concentrated on mentoring and tutoring facilities and helps its students to stipulate lifelong, solid relations with its international partners. Last but not least, ACS is an international institution that delivers lessons in three languages (English, Italian and French) and welcomes students from all around the globe.

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