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Name of the Education Provider ASOMI COLLEGE OF SCIENCES
Institution License Status Licensed, with License number: 2020-009
Brief Profile of the Education Provider The ASOMI College of Sciences is based upon an educational model that combines the effectiveness of real-world training with academic expertise.

We provide innovative educational models that produce effective results and guarantee quality for students, professionals, and people who have decided to develop their education. We achieve these goals by fostering a learning environment in which recipients become protagonists in the learning experience. We offer a robust pathway that transfers knowledge, strengthens understanding, and transforms these into practical skills, allowing individuals to achieve concrete results in the professional world.

Our vision is to increase academic and real-world synergies, building upon resources derived from decades of experience, results in the field, and academic partnerships and accreditations such as that with a renowned British institution, Swansea University.

ACS addresses its educational offer at national and international levels by developing academic partnerships able to provide a wide variety of opportunities for the enrichment of its students.

Our lecturers and mentors, involved in diverse projects and educational activities, have acquired esteemed professional reputations, and make their expertise available to students. In each academic path, professionals of recognised expertise and ability take part as lecturers through a blended education model (residential in-house and e-learning). We provide education that is intended to be pragmatic and grounded, while also aware of the importance of innovation.

ACS undertakes its work by placing its students, collaborators, and staff at the centre of the training process, offering them new opportunities and investing in their growth, training, and development. Particular attention is given to guaranteeing inclusiveness and equality of treatment for both students and staff.

Accordingly, ACS draws upon qualified staff that will rigorously comply with the administrative activities necessary to offer a wide range of services to students. All staff are highly responsive and able to operate in a range of different kinds of learning environments

Type of Course Qualification
Mode of Delivery Blended Learning.
Title of the Qualification/Award Master of Business Administration in Sport Management
MBA in Sport Management
MQF/EQF Level 7
Total Number of ECTS for Programme Completion 90
Mode of Attendance Full-Time
Programme Duration 18 Months
Languages/s of Instruction of Programmes English and Italian
Target Group The MBA programme aims at:

– junior executives who aim to enhance their professional skills with a solid managerial qualification and wish to broaden their decision-making and management orientation expertise

– entrepreneurs and managers with relevant experience who hold important headship positions in technology, innovation, digitality, and blockchain companies

Relationship to Occupation/s Following careers:

  • Blockchain Consultant
  • Cryptocurrency Trader
  • Blockchain Project Manager
  • Business Development Director
  • Investment Consultant
  • Digital Banking Manager/Consultant
Entry Requirements The students should have at least a level 6 degree in an area such as:

  • Computer sciences
  • Economics
  • Engeneering
  • Information sciences
  • Management

They should also demonstrate knowledge of:

  • basic concepts relating to cryptography (private and public key systems; hash functions)
  • Basic concepts in economics (finance; the role of banks in monetary policy; transaction costs and investiment portfolios)
Overall Programme Description This course provides an up-to-date overview of blockchain technologies, covering their applications across multiple sectors, and exploring their dynamics with regard to critical aspects such as development needs, regulations, investments, marketing and real-life applications.

The aim of this programme is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of how blockchain functions today, alongside an appreciation of the infrastructure and requirements that underpin it.

By the end of the course, students will be able to draw upon a solid background of blockchain fundamentals. This will allow them to leverage applications across both the private and public sectors, and to supervise the development and delivery of crytocurrecy business, investment and transactions in the space.

Learning Outcomes for Knowledge obtained at the end of the programme At the end of the pgrogramme, students will be able to:

  • Identify and define both concepts and components of blockchain technologies, including benefits, risks and regulatory requirements of private, permissioned blockchain vs public permissionless blockchain.
  • Assess different types of applications developed in both private and public spaces, and identify real-life use-dynamics of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
  • Delineate the strengths and weaknesses of blockchain technology in given national or transnational contexts. Students will also be able to identify any shortcomings in previous cryptocurrency platforms in terms of accessibility, monopoly, privacy, theft, censorship, transparency, and integrity, as well as in how blockchain responds to such problems.
  • Identify the main concepts and protocols of decentralized finance and its relation to contemporary business practices, alongside NFTs  (Non-Fungible Tokens) and DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations).
  • Assess the fundamentals of blockchain technologies, as well as the different functions of corporate and product management in the cryptocurrencies space.
  • Create a positive, forward-looking environment for teamwork via interacting with both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Identify best practices for blockchain and cryptocurrency technology development, deployment, and implementation.
Learning Outcomes for Skills obtained at the end of the programme The learner will be able to:

  • Professionally advise on the impact of blockchain across different sectors and in different contexts, identifying ethical frameworks for assessing strengths and shortcomings.
  • Appreciate the diverse usages of blockchain technology to solve technical challenges in the cryptocurrency space, most notably for NFTs, DAOs and in the retail and financial sectors.
  • Adjudge the most effective uses of blockchain technology under different circumstances; alongside an ability to assess the different advantages of public and private applications.
  • Respond to compliance needs and legal requirements of cryptocurrencies and blockchain applications in both national and transnational contexts.
  • Evaluate practical risks and opportunities relating to the use of specific blockchain applications.
  • Perform SWOT (Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats) analyses on blockchain-related technologies and projects.
  • Articulate a practical and inclusive business case for blockchain and cryptocurrencies given specific tasks and challenges.
  • Identify technology-specific risks of cryptocurrency protocols and applications.
  • Navigate tools and instruments needed to interact with blockchain and cryptocurrency protocols.
  • Understand and carry out development tasks related to DeFi (Decentralized Finance) building blocks, NFT investments and the DAO business model.
  • Demonstrate business acumen by leading cross-functional teams and operations, both at strategic and operational levels, by responding to opportunities and challenges in a given blockchain-related space.
  • Define business requirements aligned with externally set targets and customer needs, while demonstrating the ability to propose a viable marketing strategy and plan.
  • Ensure practical application of business models to execute competitive analyses, benchmarking existing projects, financial forecasts, financial analysis, strategic planning and product management, applying cost and revenues management.
General Assessment Methods The assessment methods will vary upon the type of module:

  • Written examination (with open and closed questions)
  • Report (the student will be asked to fill in a schematic report on a specific subject)
  • SWOT analysis application (the student will be asked to apply this method to a specific case)
  • Written essay
  • Presentation (the student will be asked to present on a specific subject)
The Programme Structure:

Module/Unit Title Compulsory (C) or Elective (E) ECTS MQF Level of each module Mode of Teaching
Blockchain Fundamentals Compulsory 12 7 VLE
Public and Private Blockchains: Infrastructure, Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts and NFTs Compulsory 12 7 VLE
“SWOT Analysis” of Blockchain Technology Compulsory 12 7 VLE
Basics of Business Administration and Business Innovation: Use Cases Compulsory 12 7 VLE
Blockchain Frameworks and Token Standards Compulsory 12 7 VLE
Capstone Project – Final Essay Compulsory 30 7 VLE
Structure of Programme 1st semester:

  • Blockchain Fundamentals
  • Public and Private Blockchains: Infrastructure, Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts and NFTs
  • “SWOT Analysis” of Blockchain Technology


2nd semester:

  • Basics of Business Administration and Business Innovation: Use Cases
  • Blockchain Frameworks and Token Standards


3rd semester:

  • Capstone Project – Final Essay
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Blockchain Fundamentals
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

  • At the end of the module, the learner will have acquired the ability to:
  • Advise on the impact of blockchain across different sectors and contexts;
  • Manage resources for each of the topics addressed, in order to gather cutting-edge, practical knowledge relating to blockchain;
  • Assess different frameworks’ strengths and weaknesses in the varied approaches to blockchain technologies.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, the learner will be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Define the basic components of blockchain technologies used today;
  • Identify core concepts relating to blockchain, such as decentralisation, mining, forks, and their real-world applications.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental concepts including distributed ledgers, blockchains, closure, PKI and consensus mechanisms.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module the learner will be able to demonstrate the following skills:

  • An understanding of the main concepts of blockchain and their practical application;
  • Identify blockchain components and their relation to contemporary business practices;
  • Appreciate the various usages of the blockchain technology in relation to technical challenges and opportunities;
  • Measure the impact blockchain has on relevant businesses and investments;
  • Propose high-quality solutions to the challenges of blockchain technologies.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 12
Explain how this module/unit will be taught Lectures will be delivered via VLE and students will be engaged through screen sharing and break-out groups to facilitate learning of subject-specific material, and to ensure the same level of learning for all students.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed Written examination with closed and open questions (100%)
Public and Private Blockchains: Infrastructure, Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts and NFTs
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module students will have the ability to:

  • Identify the difference between public and private applications.
  • Autonomously engage with the compliance requirements of both private and public blockchain.
  • Responsibly advise on the most suitable sector (private vs public) for different type of blockchain applications.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, students will be able to:

  • Define historical, technological and commercial reasons that led to the birth of blockchain.
  • Identify characteristics, benefits, risks, and the assorted regulatory requirements of private permissioned blockchain, as well as open public permissionless blockchain.
  • Assess different types of applications currently being developed in both the private and public space.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, students will have acquired the following skills:

  • Ability to Illustrate advantages and weaknesses of existing blockchain technology.
  • Adjudge the most effective applications of technology under different circumstances.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 12
Explain how this module/unit will be taught Lectures will be delivered via VLE and students will be involved through screen sharing and breakout groups to facilitate learning of subject-specific aspects, and to ensure the same level of learning for each student
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed Report (100%) – 3000 words The student will be asked to choose a private or public organisation and analyse benefits and risks of the application of a blockchain technology.
Strategic Sports Marketing
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, students will have acquired the following competencies:

  • Address the varying compliance needs of blockchain technology,
  • Understand and comply with legal requirements of cryptocurrencies and blockchain applications.
  • Develop and manage the diverse aspects of blockchain- and cryptocurrency-related projects.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, students will have garnered the following knowledge:

  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of blockchain technology.
  • Assess the opportunities and threats inherent to blockchain management in order to mitigate potential risks.
  • Ability to identify the shortcomings of previous web platforms in terms of accessibility, monopoly, theft, privacy, censorship, transparency and integrity, and to describe how blockchain can be leveraged to solve these problems.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, students will have mastered the following skills:

  • Evaluate risks and opportunities involved in specific blockchain applications.
  • Assess the varying compliance and legal requirements of cryptocurrency and blockchain-based applications.
  • Apply the steps of a SWOT analysis in a defined project relating to blockchain and cryptocurrency applications.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 12
Explain how this module/unit will be taught Lectures will be delivered via VLE and students will be involved through screen sharing and breakout groups to allow learning of subject-specific aspects, and to ensure the same level of learning for each student.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed SWOT analysis application (100%)

The student will be asked to use the SWOT analysis to evaluate a blockchain-related project.

Basics of Business Administration and Business Innovation: Use Cases
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, students will have acquired the competencies to:

  • Lead and manage a cross-functional business team.
  • Identify opportunities and threats posed by business innovation.
  • Develop a high level of business understanding and potential for success.
  • Address various blockchain applications across multiple sectors.
  • Assess the efficacy of varying strategies for funding and financing  with respect to blockchain innovation.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, students will have gained the following knowledge:

  • Master a real-world case study of blockchain and cryptocurrency administration.
  • Compare and contrast the requirements for various means of funding and financing blockchain technologies.
  • Identify the fundamentals of the different functions and dimensions of business and product management.
  • Describe effective management by drawing upon robust leadership models.
  • Develop a critical eye for business management and innovation.
  • Apply engineering and data interpretation to business management.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, students will have acquired the following skills:

  • Lead teams through social intelligence and organisational skill sets.
  • Apply cost and revenue management to real-world examples.
  • Be able to interact with and to manage business operations and workflows.
  • Demonstrate confidence in creating a viable business development strategy.
  • Identify customer needs and develop a marketing plan through the use of data analytics.
  • Analyse specific case studies of blockchain and cryptocurrencies deriving from real-world examples.
  • Design effective strategies for monetising multiple use cases.
  • Articulate a robust and all-encompassing business case for specific requirements related to blockchain technologies.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 12
Explain how this module/unit will be taught Lectures will be delivered via VLE and students will be involved through screen sharing and breakout groups to allow learning of subject-specific aspects, and to ensure the same level of learning for each student.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed Essay (100%) – 3000 words

The essay will be divided in 2 parts:

  • Review of the theory (60%) – 1800 words
  • Review of a case study (40%) – 1200 words
Blockchain Frameworks and Token Standards
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, students will have acquired the following competencies:

  • Familiarity with tools and instruments to interact with blockchain and cryptocurrency protocols.
  • Ability to understand and carry out tasks related to DeFi building blocks, NFTs use cases, and the DAO business model.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, students will have gained the following knowledge:

  • Ability to identify the different concepts and protocols relating to Decentralized Finance.
  • Analyze NFTs and their principal use cases.
  • Assess the Decentralized Autonomous Organization business model and its varying implications.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, students will have acquired the following skills:

  • Real-world application of blockchain and cryptocurrency platforms.
  • Evaluation of key and contemporary cryptocurrencies protocols.
  • Use best practice tools to interact, research and monitor current blockchain applications.
  • Use DeFi knowledge for yield, arbitrage and investment opportunities.
  • Successfully direct the DAO business model and NFTs toward real-life case studies
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 12
Explain how this module/unit will be taught Lectures will be delivered via VLE and students will be involved through screen sharing and breakout groups to allow learning of subject-specific aspects, and to ensure the same level of learning for each student.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed Essay (100%)
Capstone Project - Final Essay
Learning Outcomes:
Autonomy and Responsibility Competences:

At the end of the module, students will have acquired the following competencies:

  • Development of a robust and successful project.
  • Assessment of existing solutions with respect to blockchain technology.
  • Outcome-oriented collaboration in small teams, with evidence of effective time management.
  • Market analysis, including the identification of potential risks and threats for both products and solutions.
  • Application of blockchain technology in various industries, and demonstration of understanding of real-world project feasibility.
Knowledge and Understanding: Knowledge:

At the end of the module, students will be able to:

  • Define realistic and robust business targets, and identify achievable timelines for delivery
  • Clearly outline proposed solutions that blockchain technologies plan to achieve.
  • Explication of the project with ease and effective communication.
  • Demonstrable creation of good teamwork dynamics when interacting with both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Identify best practices for blockchain technology development and implementation.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Skills:

At the end of the module, students will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate the ability to benchmark existing projects and alternatives.
  • Apply current strategies for varying development models.
  • Undertake communication skills and presentation creation.
  • Apply the SWOT model to real-world business case studies.
  • Engage with colleagues and external professionals in order to develop and deliver an innovative project.
  • Indicate confidence in the creation and development of a viable business development strategy.
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 30
Explain how this module/unit will be taught Lectures will be delivered via VLE and students will be involved through screen sharing and small groups to allow learning of subject-specific aspects, and to ensure the same level of learning for each student.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed Essay (70%) – 4500 words

Presentation (30%)

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