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Mastering Time: Tailored time management and 10 Extra Tips

By Asomi College of Sciences


Effective time management is the cornerstone of academic success, and as dedicated partners in your educational journey, we at ACS – ASOMI College of Sciences present a comprehensive guide to optimize college students’ time utilization. Moreover, it is important to remember that time management techniques work best based on one’s personality type. The first part of this article helps you to understand the most suitable time management techniques according to your personality type and, when you’ve figured out what approaches suit you better, dive into the ten generic tips in the last part.


Tailored Time Management

How many times have you tried different time management strategies but abandoned them after a while? Maybe you’ve thought that you’re just not good enough at time management, and everyone else may seem better at composing their agendas. However, not every time-guru begins the explanation of their best approach from the most important quality: the personality type. Actually, before delving into the time management strategies, personality type is the trait that determines the technique that is suitable to you only. Moreover, as we are different, not all approaches may be suitable for every each and one of us. Here are some personality types you may want to consider:


Time Management Strategies Based on Personality Types

  1. Deliberate Strategists

For those who thrive in a slow and methodical pace, consider the following strategies:

  • Deep Work Sessions: Allocate extended periods for focused, uninterrupted study. Dive deep into your tasks, allowing for thorough comprehension and analysis.
  • Structured Planning: Embrace detailed planning methodologies. Create intricate to-do lists, breaking down tasks into small manageable steps. Moreover, don’t exaggerate; just try to begin with a few major tasks on your to-do list.
  • Reflection Breaks: Regularly schedule moments for reflection. Slow and deliberate thinkers benefit from pausing to assess progress, ensuring alignment with overarching goals.


  1. Dynamic Executors

If you find yourself more inclined towards a fast-paced, active approach, these strategies are tailored for you:

  • Bursts of Productivity: Leverage short, intense bursts of productivity. Rapid execution followed by brief breaks aligns with the active personality, preventing monotony and maintaining high energy levels.
  • Agile Task Management: Embrace agile task management. Adapt to changes swiftly, reprioritizing tasks as needed. This approach aligns with the dynamic nature of fast thinkers.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage in interactive learning methods. Seek discussions, group activities, or hands-on experiences to keep your active mind stimulated and eager for new challenges.


  1. Strategic Postponers vs. Immediate-Doers

Tailor your time management based on your inclination towards postponing tasks or tackling them immediately:

  • Structured Procrastination: If you tend to postpone tasks, employ structured procrastination. Tackle less urgent but still productive tasks when avoiding a more critical one. This way, you remain productive while gradually addressing priorities.
  • Time Blocking for Immediate-Doers: For those who prefer immediate action, utilize time blocking. Allocate specific time slots for different tasks, ensuring a steady and proactive approach to your responsibilities.
  • Reward-Based Systems: Regardless of your inclination, implement a reward-based system. Immediate-doers can enjoy instant gratification, while postponers benefit from delayed rewards, motivating timely task completion.

Customizing your time management approach to align with your unique personality ensures a harmonious balance between productivity and personal satisfaction.

09 internal Time management

10 generic time management strategies

However, now that you’ve figured out your personality type, feel free to choose between these ten generic time management strategies:


  1. Set Clear Goals

Define your academic objectives with precision. Break them down into short-term and long-term goals. This clarity provides a roadmap for your educational expedition.

  1. Prioritize Tasks Strategically

Not all tasks are created equal. For example, employ the Eisenhower Matrix (or similar tools) to categorize tasks into urgent and important. This simple yet powerful tool ensures you focus on what truly matters.

  1. Create a Personalized Schedule

Craft a daily schedule tailored to your peak productivity hours. Balance study sessions with breaks, ensuring sustained focus without burnout.

  1. Embrace the Pomodoro Technique

Harness the power of focused intervals with the Pomodoro Technique. Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Rinse and repeat. This cycle enhances concentration and prevents mental fatigue.

  1. Leverage Technology Wisely

Integrate productivity tools like task management apps and calendar reminders. Stay organized, never missing a deadline, and maximizing efficiency.

  1. Develop Effective Note-Taking Strategies

Enhance your study sessions with strategic note-taking methods such as the Cornell method or mind mapping. These techniques optimize information retention and comprehension.

  1. Collaborate with Peers

Engage in group study sessions to foster a collaborative learning environment. Explaining concepts to peers reinforces your understanding, creating a symbiotic knowledge-sharing ecosystem.

  1. Embrace Healthy Habits

A sound mind resides in a healthy body. Prioritize sleep, exercise, and nutrition to bolster your cognitive functions. A holistic approach to well-being fuels academic prowess.

  1. Learn to Say No

Guard your time fiercely. Politely decline non-essential commitments that may derail your focus. Saying no is a powerful tool in preserving your most valuable resource—time.

  1. Reflect and Refine

Regularly assess your time management strategies. Identify what works and what needs adjustment. Continuous refinement is the key to staying ahead of academic demands.



Mastering time is an art, and by implementing these proven strategies, you pave the way for academic excellence. Your journey to effective student time management starts now. However, time management has to be done according to one’s personality. At ACS ASOMI College of Sciences, we help students to manage their time through mentoring and tutoring services. All our students can benefit from these services that also help to increase student success and improve their experience not only at our college but in higher education field in general. 

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