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Name of the Education Provider ASOMI College of Sciences
Institution License Status

Licensed, with License number: 2020-009

The ASOMI College of Sciences is based on the experience of an educational model that combines the effectiveness of the training developed within the academic context.

Our goal is to provide innovative educational models that can develop effective results and grant quality to students, professionals and people who have decided to implement their education, building a learning environment in which they become the protagonists of the learning experience.

We develop a pathway that transfers knowledge, strengthens it and transforms it into skills, allowing people to achieve concrete results.

Our vision is to increase synergies, which take resources from decades of experience, results on the field, and academic partnerships and accreditations such as the one with a renowned British institution, the Swansea University.

The ACS project addresses its educational offer at national and international level by developing academic partnerships able to provide opportunities for the enrichment of its students.

Brief Profile of the Education Provider

The lecturers and mentors, involved in the projects and educational activities, have acquired an important professional reputation and will make their expertise available to learners. In fact, in each academic path, professionals of recognised value and ability will take part as lecturers and through a blended education model (residential in-house and e-learning). We will provide a product that is intended to be pragmatic and grounded, but also aware of the importance of innovation.

The attention regarding the international guidelines in the educational environment finds its place in a pathway fully designed to meet the students’ aims and expectations.

ACS develops its work considering its students, collaborators and staff at the centre of the training process giving them new opportunities and investing in their growth, training and development. Particular attention is given to all the processes of inclusiveness and equality of treatment, regarding both students and staff.

ACS, indeed, accepts students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities in all its programmes with a focus on learning processes and teaching strategies.

Therefore, ACS will set and develop a qualified staff that will correctly comply with the management of the administrative activities necessary to offer a wide range of services to students and the ability to be highly responsive and operating in any kind of situation.

Type of Course Qualification
Mode of Delivery Blended Learning
Title of the Qualification/ Award Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication and Graphic Design
Proposed MQF Level MQF Level 6
Total Learning Hours 4500 Hour
Blended Learning Contact Hours Delivered Fully Online: 93%
Contact Hours Delivered Fully Face-to-Face: 7%
Total Number of ECTS for Programme Completion 180 ECTS
Mode of Attendance Full-Time
Programme Duration Full- Time: 3 Years
Target Audience Ages 19 – 30
Age 31 – 65
Language/s of Instruction of Programmes English and Italian
Target Group This programme is aimed at people who aim to work as Graphic Designer, Motion Graphic Designer or Web Designer, as well as people involved in digital communication, publishing, creating advertising campaigns, digital strategists, social media managers, digital marketers, photo and video makers.
Entry Requirements

To be eligible for this programme of study, learners need to be in possession of a minimum MQF Level 4 Matriculation certificate, specifically Art, Art and Design or Graphical Communication at Advanced Level at Grade C or better, or equivalent.


A full qualification pegged at MQF Level 5 related to Creative Media or Graphic Design, or equivalent.


Learners should possess good command of the English language.

As a licensed education and training provider, ASOMI College guarantees compliance with quality standards as specified in the National Quality Assurance Framework issued by the Malta Further Higher Education Authority.
Especially, within the context of recognising prior learning, ASOMI College recommends its future students to submit the documentation related to their prior learning such as degree programs and professional qualifications.
The RPL policy at ASOMI College permits the proper evaluation of prior knowledge and skills in terms of certifications, alternative access admissions and future learning and development.

Learning Outcomes for Knowledge obtained at the end of the programme

The learner will be able to:

– Lists a range of contemporary design influencers and the history of graphic design and communication;
– Identify the role of the creative process and design methodologies in graphic design;
– Name various design tools and identify ways in which they can best be used;
– Recall the various approaches to photography;
– Identify the different stages of project management;
– Describe the best way to present a portfolio;
– Identify the best means of communicating an idea or message to the public
– Draw up a complete project with the client

Learning Outcomes for Skills obtained at the end of the programme

The learner will be able to:

– Presenting all phases and parts of a project in a way that is clear and understandable to clients and all stakeholders;
– Discuss with colleagues, team members, stakeholders and clients;
– Writing effective reports that are clear and understandable;
– Prepare an advertising campaign under the supervision of a superior;
– Demonstrate an understanding of the different phases of a project;
– Outline the importance of advertising strategy in the overall success of an advertising campaign;
– Demonstrate competence in the effective use of various types of graphic design and communication software;
– Developing a photographic project in accordance with the client’s request
– Use the software necessary for the completion of a photographic project
– Convey a message through the use of photos or short films created in a project

General Assessment Methods Assessment procedures vary according to the specific requirements of the module. Assessment varies from individual exams to individual assignments, group presentations and practical exams.
During online examinations, software will be used that requires the student’s webcam and microphone to be switched on and must be kept switched on for the duration of the examination.
The student must identify him/herself by showing ID at the start of the exam and then show the room and surrounding space via a webcam on his/her device.
The exam will consist of closed and open questions and there will be a time limit for each question.
The questions will be proposed to each student in a random order offered by the software.
The software also has a locked browser that does not allow the student to leave the exam page. If this happens, the exam will be stopped immediately.
A tutor will monitor the situation live and everything will be recorded so that the material can be viewed even after the examination has been completed.
In relation to the evaluation of the placement, students will have the opportunity to write and edit the report during the placement itself and use the evaluation hours as time for any changes. In addition to this report, the tutor will provide an evaluation of the participation, practice and behaviour of the student in question on the basis of information provided by the place where the student carried out the placement.
In the case of students with dyslexia and/or learning difficulties, it will be possible for the student to request greater involvement of the tutor in the monitoring phase, so that they can receive more feedback and support to enable them to make use of the time made available to all students to write the report.
In the event of a failure, the student will be given the opportunity to revise the assessment with the relevant tutor to understand the errors and be able to retake the assessment at an agreed date.
The minimum time before the remedial assessment will be one month from the date on which the notice of failure was received.
The student will have two assessment dates, the official date and the make-up date, in order to pass the assessment. Should the student fail the assessment again, he/she will be required to pay a fee of 150,00 euros.
The same procedure will be carried out if the student is insufficient in the assessment following the placement.
In fact, in the event of an insufficient evaluation of the report, the student will have the opportunity to understand the errors through the feedback of the tutor who followed him/her during the training and will have the opportunity to rewrite the report.
The student will have one month from the date of delivery of the rejection notice to rewrite the report and deliver it by the specified date.
Status of the Programme Accredited Degree Programme
Grading system 0-100 %
Pass Rate 50 %
Identity Malta’s VISA
Regulatory Councils

Address: Council for the Professions Complementary to Medicine
St Luke’s Hospital,
Ex-Outpatients Department (Level 1), St. Luke’s Square,
Gwardamangia – Malta
PTA 1010

Tel: (+356) 25953363

Future professionals will not have automatic access to the register.

Provider Mail address
The Programme Structure:

Module/Unit Title Compulsory (C) or Elective (E) ECTS MQF Level of each module Mode of Teaching Mode of Assessment
History of Communication and Graphic Design Compulsor 4 5 VLE Individual Assignment (100%)
History of Modern and Contemporary Art Compulsory 4 5 VLE Presentation (50%) and Case Study (50%)
Semiotics Compulsory 4 5 VLE Written Examination (100%)
The Creative Process and Design Methodologies Compulsory 8 5 VLE Assignment (50%) & Oral Assessment (50%)
Perceptions and Psychology of Colours Compulsory 4 5 VLE Individual Presentation (50%) and Report (50%)
Design and Anthropology Compulsory 4 5 VLE Individual Assignment (100%)
Art Direction 1 (Advertising and Strategy Plan) Compulsory 8 5 VLE Presentation (50%) & Individual assignment (50%)
Graphic Design Tools Compulsory 8 5 VLE Practical Assessment (100%)
Brand Identity Compulsory 8 5 VLE Written Examination (100%)
Layout and Typography Compulsory 6 5 VLE Practical Assessment (100%)
Observative Internship Compulsory 2 5 Placement Student Report (100%)
Interaction Design Compulsory 8 5 VLE Assignment (50%) and Oral Assessment (50%)
UI Design Tools Compulsory 8 5 VLE Practical Assessment (100%)
Art Direction 2 (Integrated Campaign and New Media) Compulsory 8 5 VLE Practical Assessment (100%)
UI/UX Design Compulsory 8 5 VLE Practical Assessment (100%)
Graphic Design for Social Network Compulsory 6 5 VLE Written Examination (100%)
Motion Graphic Tools Compulsory 4 5 VLE Practical Assessment (100%)
3D Modeling and Rendering Compulsory 8 5 VLE Practical Assessment (100%)
Photography and Postproduction Compulsory 6 5 VLE Practical Assessment (100%)
Internship 1 – Practical Compulsory 4 5 Placement Tutor Assessment (70%) & Student Report (30%)
Introduction to Web Development Compulsory 6 6 VLE Practical Assessment (100%)
Presentation Skills and Public Speaking Compulsory 4 6 VLE Presentation (100%)
Portfolio and Marketing Compulsory 4 6 VLE Portfolio (50%) & marketing strategy (50%)
Project Management Compulsory 4 6 VLE Practical Assessment (100%)
IoT (Internet of Things) Design Project Compulsory 8 6 VLE Practical Assessment (80%) & Individual presentation (20%)
Branding and Packaging Project Compulsory 8 6 VLE Practical Assessment (80%) & Individual presentation (20%)
Advertising Campaign Project Compulsory 8 6 VLE Practical Assessment (80%) & Individual presentation (20%)
Internship 2 – Professional Compulsory 6 6 Placement Tutor Assessment (70%) & Student Report (30%)
Thesis Project Compulsory 12 6 Lectures, Presentations,Discussions & VLE Project Proposal (20%) and Thesis (80%)
Total ECTS Requesting Accreditation 180 ECTS
Total ECTS for Programme Completion 180 ECTS
Exit Awards/Qualifications Level 5 Undergraduate Diploma in Communication ad Graphic Design (60 ECTS)

Level 5 Undergraduate Higher Diploma in Communication and Graphic Design (120 ECTS)

Level 6 BA in Communication and Graphic Design (180 ECTS)

Structure of Programme

1st year:

1st semester:

  • History of Communication and Graphic Design
  • History of Modern and Contemporary Art
  • Semiotics
  • The Creative Process and Design Methodologies
  • Perceptions and Psychology of Colours

2nd semester:

  • Design and Anthropology
  • Art Direction 1 (Advertising and Strategy Plan)
  • Graphic Design Tools
  • Brand Identity
  • Layout and Typography
  • Observative Internship will be carried out by students throughout the academic year.

2nd year:

1st semester:

  • Interaction Design
  • UI Design Tools
  • Art Direction 2 (Integrated Campaign and New Media)
  • UI/UX Design

2nd semester:

  • Graphic Design for Social Network
  • Motion Graphic Tools
  • 3D Modeling and Rendering
  • Photography and Postproduction

Practical Internships will be carried out by students throughout the academic year.

3rd year:

1st semester:

  • Introduction to Web Development
  • Presentation Skills and Public Speaking
  • Portfolio and Marketing
  • Project Management

2nd semester:

  • IoT (Internet of Things) Design Project
  • Branding and Packaging Project
  • Advertising Campaign Project

Internships will be carried out by students throughout the academic year.

  • Dissertation: At the end of the final semester of the fourth academic year, the student will focus on writing the thesis
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History of Communication and Graphic Design
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Monitor development and evolution of various stylistic approaches to communication and graphic design;
  2. Guide others on the various historical and contemporary theories related to communications and graphic design;
Knowledge and Understanding


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

  • A list of the main theorists of graphic design and typography;
  • The Major Works within Communications and Graphic Design;
  • Stylistic Approaches in Communications and Graphic Design;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:


  1. Apply historical knowledge gained throughout this module to enhance own design methodology;
  2. Describe the major works of the great influencers of design;
  3. Identify stylistic references among different works of design;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 20
Self-Study Hours: 70
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 0
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 100 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through an individual assignment (100%).
The assignment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
The assignment will be 1600 words.
History of Modern and Contemporary Art
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Ensure the correct evaluation of various theoretical and historical theories learnt throughout the module and their implementation to real-life projects;
  2. Monitor emerging trends in visual and communication arts and analyse the elements that characterise the different artistic trends;
  3. Ensure understanding of the visual influence that arts brought to modern visual communication;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:
– Describe basic principles of Design;

  • Defining Design;
  • What is Modern Design;

– Understand the History of Modern Design;

  • Emerging Centres of Design (Florence, Venice, Nuremburg);
  • Industrial Centres in the 17th Century;
  • The Industrial Age;
  • The Industrial Design;
  • Overview of the Design Industry;
  • Design Specialisation;

– Identify the characteristics of Contemporary Design;

  • What is Contemporary Design;
  • Characteristics of Contemporary Designs;
  • Case-study examples of Contemporary Designs;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  1. Apply the historical knowledge acquired through the course to real-life projects;
  2. Discuss he implications involved in the evolution of visual arts;
  3. Apply historical knowledge gained to enhance your own graphic design style;
  4. Describe the major visual and communication innovations brought by arts in the modern graphic design language;
  5. Identify stylistic references among different works of design;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 20
Self-Study Hours: 70
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 0
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 100 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of an individual presentation (50%) and an individual report based on a case-study (50%).
The report will be 1600 word and it will be submitted through VLE.
The pass mark is 50% or above.
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

– Create an effective presentation based on the acquired results through an analysis;

Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Recall Design elements;

  • Defining Design;
  • What is Modern Design;

– Define Product Semiotic;

  • What is Product Semiotic;
  • Semiotic Model of Product Design Concept;
  • Differentiating between Semiology and Semiotics;

– Understand the Pragmatic Level;

  • From Structural Semiology to Pragmatic Semiotics;
  • Characteristics of Pragmatic Semiotics in Design;
  • Milestones of Pragmatic Conception;
  • Conducting a Semiotic Study in Design;

– Understand the Semantic Level;

  • Semantic Function;
  • Principles of Product Semantics;
  • Product Analysis;

– Understand the Syntactic Level;

  • Design Syntactic;
  • Principles of Design Syntactics;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  1. Recognise different approaches to acquiring and managing information;
  2. Demonstrate understanding of the characteristics and the purpose of the main concepts of semiotics;
  3. Show in-depth knowledge of the principles and methods of semiotics, both through the specialist language of the discipline, and in a divulgated manner;
  4. Apply semiotics analysis tools;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 20
Self-Study Hours: 70
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 0
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 100 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%).
The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
The Creative Process and Design Methodologies
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Be responsible in choosing the best design methodology required by the context;
  2. Supervise a team during a creative process;
  3. Create a design path based on their own skills and creative approach;
  4. Deal with responsibilities in a design process;
  5. Manage timing, deadlines and resources;
  6. Propose solutions when being faced with design issues in a project;
  7. Implement various design methodologies;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Understand the Creative Process;

  • What is a Creative Process;
  • The importance and benefits of Creative Process;
  • The role of the Creative Process in Design;

– Apply different Design Methodologies;

  • What is Design Methodology;
  • Role of Design Methodology in creativity and innovation;
  • Various Design Methodologies;

– Apply different Designing Methodologies;

  • Six Thinking Hats;
  • Double Diamond;
  • Mind Mapping;
  • Deep Dive;
  • Brainstorming;
  • Donut – Iterative Design Process Cycle;
  • Bootcamp Bootleg (Stanford);
  • Lateral Thinking;
  • Spiral Model;
  • Reverse Brainstorming/Problem Reversal;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate awareness of the criteria that differentiate one Design Methodology from another;
  • Exhibit in-depth knowledge to create project pathways based on the requirements of the client and their requests;
  • Show an understanding of the effective implementation of various Design Methodologies effectively;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 140
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 0
Assessment Hours: 20
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module uses a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as giving the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as be capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of an assignment (50%) and through the use of an oral exam (50%).
The assignement will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
The assignement will be 1600 words.
The oral assessment will be conducted by asking the student to switch on both the microphone and the web cam so that the teacher has direct contact with the student.
Perceptions and Psychology of Colours
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Produce effective mood boards based on scientific methods to engage and drive a creative team;
  2. Ensure the correct choice of colour combination within a project;
  3. Propose the right combination of CMFs based on the type of the project;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Define CMF Design;

  • What is CMF Design;
  • Background of CMF Design;
  • Emotional and Functional Context of CMF Design;
  • Creating CMF Design (Information Gathering, Establishing a Narrative, Creating a CMF Strategy, Understanding Part Break-Up, Creating CMF Palettes, CMF Development);

– Define Colour Design;

  • Attributes of Colours (Colour Affinity, Darks and Lights, Quiet and Loud, Colour Conventions, Brands and Colours, Color Measuring Tools);
  • Context of Colours
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  1. Apply the knowledge, skills and competences acquired through this module in real-life projects;
  2. Interpret the meaning behind the aesthetics of a product;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 20
Self-Study Hours: 70
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 0
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 100 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module will be assessed through the use of an individual presentation sharing the student’s screen and debating the topic presented (50%) and an individual report (50%)
The presentation and the report will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
The report will be 800 words.
Design and Anthropology
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Deal with the socio-cultural implications of design;
  2. Carry out tasks using analytical tools in order to understand the behaviours complexity;
  3. Design a product of service following the social context indications
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Appreciate Design Anthropology

  • Design and Anthropology;
  • History of Design Anthropology;
  • Style of Knowing;
  • Concepts, Methods and Practices of Design Anthropology;
  • Transforming Knowledge and Design Concepts;

– Understand the Materiality of Design;

  • Designing by doing;
  • Making and Using 3D Models;
  • Designing for a Digital Culture;

– Define the concept of Temporality of Design;

  • Anthropology in real time;
  • Innovation and Practice;
  • Ethnographies;

– Define the Relationality of Design;

  • Bridging Disciplines and Sectors;
  • Decolonising Design Innovation;
  • Ethnography and Design
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  1. Describe clearly and unambiguously analysis of social contexts and behaviour;
  2. Define the design methodologies driven by anthropology studies;
  3. List the main characteristics of the social contexts analysed;
  4. Measure the social context impact in a design project;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 20
Self-Study Hours: 70
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 0
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 100 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of an individual assignment (100%).
The assignement will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
The assignement will be 1600 words.
Art Direction 1 (Advertising and Strategy Planning)
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Produce an efficient strategy in collaboration with the advertising team;
  2. Represent personal advertising ideas in an effective manner;
  3. Assist in managing an effective advertising campaign using the technical and theoretical skills learnt throughout this course;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Developing an Advertising Campaign;

  • Role of an Advertising Campaign;
  • Identifying Target Audience;
  • Stipulating Campaign Timing;
  • Identify a Budget;
  • Where to Advertise;
  • Creating Advertising Messages and Graphics;

– Recall the Elements that Build on a Narrative Process;

  • What is a Narrative Process?
  • Elements of a Narrative Process;
  • Setting;
  • Character;
  • Plot;
  • Theme;
  • Conflict;
  • Narrative Arc;

– Identify the Basic Rules of an Efficient Visualisation;

  • Knowing your audience;
  • Identifying your message;
  • Adaptation;
  • Captions and providing additional information;
  • Using colours effectively;

– Describe an Effective Strategy for Advertising Campaign;

  • Use the elements and notions acquired to develop a strategy for the implementation of an advertising campaign;

– Draw Ideas Using Graphic Design Tools;

Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  1. Operate many production skills such as printing set up and executive files;
  2. Apply researching skills;
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the needs and demands of a client
  4. Plan a workflow in order to follow the campaign strategy;
  5. Design an advertising campaign starting from a precise briefing;
  6. Describe your concept convincingly and consistently with the requirements;
  7. Propose ideas to satisfy the briefing requirements;
  8. Design a full presentation of your concept which describe all your design path;
  9. Review every project phase in order to keep under control the development;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 120
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 20
Assessment Hours: 20
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of presentation (50%) and an individual assignment (50%).
The assignment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
The assignment will be 1600 words.
Graphic Design Tools
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Create effective graphic representations and designs;
  2. Manage main features of Adobe software;
  3. Create photorealistic object using Photoshop starting from scratch or retouching existing pictures;
  4. Create designs using vectors and Adobe software;
  5. Design material using the appropriate Graphic Design tools;
  6. Manage Graphic Design tools and methodologies independently;
  7. Produce effective graphic design projects under supervision;
  8. Be responsible for the development of a brand identity of a project;
  9. Carry out Graphic Design and present in a clear and professional manner;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Understand the underpinning principles of Graphic Design;

  • Defining Graphic Design;
  • Historical Background;
  • Tools of Graphic Design;

– Demonstrate ability on Adobe Photoshop;

  • Overview of Adobe Photoshop;
  • Layering and Masks within Photoshop;
  • Transforming Images in Photoshop;
  • Understanding Smart Objects and Normal Layers;
  • Color Correction in Photoshop;
  • Introducing the Pen Tool in Photoshop;
  • Cloning, Retouching and Removing in Photoshop;
  • Designing Materials with Photoshop;

– Demonstrate ability on Adobe Illustrator;

  • Using Adobe Illustrator;
  • Designing Logos in Illustrator;
  • Layers on Illustrator;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the main colour methods;
  • Show awareness of the main uses of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator;
  • Apply the techniques learnt in real-life projects;
  • Demonstrate full comprehension of technical language used in graphic design;
  • Exhibit knowledge of the main rules of branding, editorial and web-graphic design;
  • Show in-depth understanding of the main graph design methodologies;
  • Communicate effectively with clients and engage with them in an effective manner;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 90
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 40
Assessment Hours: 30
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed

This module shall be assessed through the use of a practical assessment (100%).
Specifically, the following will be required:

  • create a rendering of an object of your choice from those provided
  • create a vector illustration reproducing a proposed model
  • create an effective presentation based on the content provided and with a specific intended use

The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.

Brand Identity
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Produce a personal design path;
  2. Ensure a clear representation of the whole design process;
  3. Produce an effective strategy that supports your visual identity;
  4. Carry out tasks demonstrating awareness and practicality of the analytical studies behind a visual identity;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– List use of Brand Identity;

  • What is a Brand Identity;
  • The use of a Brand Identity;
  • Why use a Brand Identity;

– Phases in creating a Brand Identity;

  • Completing a Brand Strategy;
  • Assess Brand Identity Present;
  • Identify Competition;
  • Brainstorm Visuals;
  • Design Elements;
  • Build Your Brand Style Guide;

– Creating a Visual Identity;

  • How to create a Visual Identity;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate confidence whilst making use of Graphic Design tools;
  • Design a Brand Identity which is in line with the overall strategy and starting from a precise briefing;
  • Design a full presentation of your concept which describe all your design path;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 140
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 0
Assessment Hours: 20
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%).
The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Layout and Typography
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Develop a personal design path;
  2. Comply with the fundamental rules of editorial design;
  3. Ensure the correct use of different fonts;
  4. Produce efficient layouts, featuring balanced text and visual contents;
  5. Understand the main rules of a correct information hierarchy;
  6. Transform the theoretical knowledge in effective layouts;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Describe Content Hierarchy;

  • What is Content Hierarchy;
  • High Importance;
  • Medium Importance;
  • Low Importance;

– Define Balance between Visual and Texts;

  • How to balance between visual content and text;
  • Audience expectation/types of audience;

– Identify Main Feature of Different Fonts;

  • Using different fonts;
  • Different types of fonts;
  • When to use different fonts;

– Matching Text, Visual Content and Formats;

Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  1. Apply the theoretical knowledge in real editorial design project;
  2. Demonstrate understanding of the typography, hierarchy and compositional grid rules;
  3. Design an editorial product from scratch;
  4. Describe the fundamental rules of an efficient editorial design project;
  5. Design proficient layouts;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 80
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 20
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 150 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specific online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of a practical assessment (100%).
The assessment consists of the layout of a text given by the teacher, according to the specified purpose of use.
The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Observative Internship
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  • Collaborate with other professionals in work management
  • Carrying out tasks as required
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

  • Understand the basic principles of the function of the company
  • Describe how a project can be managed
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate good communication skills with other professionals
  • Apply knowledge to practice
  • Identify the necessary graphic structures
  • Elaborate a design concept in line with the client’s ideas
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 10
Self-Study Hours: 5
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 30
Assessment Hours: 5
Total Learning Hours of this Module 50 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Face-to-Face Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 2 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught

This module will make use of a range of pedagogical approaches. Learning will be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, theory-based lectures, as well as giving students the opportunity to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being able to implement these theories in practice.
In particular, online lectures will be provided through VLEs and the student will be able to actively participate in the lectures.
The student will have the opportunity to carry out the internship activity in one of the locations in agreement with the institution.

The internship will take place at:

Via Antonio Gramsci 10, 10123
Torino – Italy

Via Cantaranino 7, 46100
Mantova, Italy

Vojvode Putnika 9, 36000
Kraljevo, Serbia

Unconventionalproject di Beatrice Ferri
Via Pietro Bembo 37, 61049
Urnabia (PU), Italy

Via Santa Giulia 4, 10124
Torino, Italy,

The facilities are directly in agreement with the institution, so the student won’t need to supply anything.
The hours will be available according to the programme.
The facilities are directly in agreement with the institution.
Each student can choose among the accredited institutions where to undertake the internship for each of the internship modules of the programme.
The internship can be undertaken in the same venue, or in different venues.

The objective of the internship is to enable the student to implement the practical, theoretical and methodological tools acquired during the course of study, to identify and implement skills necessary to consolidate their professional training.
The placement will proceed under the direct supervision of the Clinical Educator.
The student must follow the instructions and directions given by the CE and his/her colleagues.
The duties and responsibilities are descripted in the Memorandum of Understanding stipulated with the venue of the internship.
The internship hours need to be completed in order to access the next internship module (from one year to the other).
All the internship modules and hours need to be completed in order to complete the programme and obtain the degree.

Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of a student report (100%). In the report, the student will have to explain the notions learned during the observational training, with specific focus on the management component of a project in progress.
The report will be submitted through VLE and it will be 800 words.
The pass mark is 50%.
Interaction Design
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Deal with new used behaviour in relation to new technologies;
  2. Produce user-centric concepts and products;
  3. Be responsible for the user-friendliness of a product or concept;
  4. Carry out the implementation of user-centered design into lean and agile development;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Define Interaction Design;

  • What is Interaction Design;
  • Differences and Similarities between UI and UX;<l/i>

– Recall the Five Dimensions Framework;

  • 1D Words;
  • 2D Visual Representations;
  • 3D Physical Objects or Space;
  • 4D Time;
  • 5D Behaviour;

– Understand the Interaction Design Principles;

  • Hick’s Law;
  • Fitt’s Law;
  • Tesler’s Law;

– Define the The Interaction Designer;

  • What makes an effective Interaction Designer;
  • Roles and Responsibilities of an Interaction Designer;
  • Skills possessed by Interaction Designers;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate in-depth understanding of technical language and design methodologies;
  • Apply techniques learnt in real-life projects;
  • Use designs for efficiency and persuasion;
  • Illustrate basics of usability, such as visual design, navigation and menu design, search engine optimization and accessibility;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 120
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 20
Assessment Hours: 20
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specific online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through an assignment (50%) and an oral assessment (50%).
The assignement will be submitted through VLE and it will be 2000 words.
The oral assessment will be by VLE and the student will be required to keep the web cam and microphone switched on.
The pass mark is 50%.
UI Design Tools
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Create an effective digital interface, such as a website or a mobile application layout;
  2. Manage the users flow and organise it in a way which satisfies browsing experience;
  3. Produce wireframes based on interaction design rules and users behaviour;
  4. Supervise the development of a UI design project;
  5. Carry out UI designs making use of Adobe XD;
  6. Create functional UI prototypes;
  7. Design complete wireframes;
  8. Produce prototypes using UI tools;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Define UI Design;

  • What is User Interface Design;
  • Why UI Design;
  • Terms related to User Interface Design and Implementation;

– Appreciate the Types of Computer Users;

  • Computers Users
  • Computer Use Contexts;

– Recall Theories of User Interface Design;

    Model View Controller Design Pattern;

– Understand The User Interface Design Process;

  • Identification of Users and Contexts;
  • Structural Design of Interface;
  • Compositional Design of Interface;
  • Design of Prototype;
  • Usability Testing of Prototype;
  • UI Specification;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate full comprehension of the main commands of Adobe XD;
  • Exhibit deepened understanding of different uses of UI design development;
  • Apply theoretical competences learnt in real UI design projects;
  • Demonstrate effective problem solving techniques;
  • Use modern UI software;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours : 40
Self-Study Hours: 120
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 20
Assessment Hours: 20
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specifica online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of a practical assessment (100%).
The assessment consists of a mobile or desktop web page execution following a template provided by the lecturer.
The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Art Direction 2 (Integrated Campaign and New Media)
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Deal with client needs whilst ensuring effective communication;
  2. Ensure high understanding of the opportunity each media offers;
  3. Manage independently graphic design tools, methodologies and different communication channels;
  4. Produce effective projects path and propose innovative communication solutions;
  5. Be responsible for the media planning and campaign management;
Knowledge and Understanding:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Media Channel Features;
– Strategies in Media Channels;
– Characteristics of Effective Cross Media Campaigns;
– Identify Best Design Approaches According to Media Channels;
– Representation According to Communication Context;

Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Apply the techniques learnt in this module to real-life projects;
  • Design the right content for each respective media channel;
  • Design key features for each type of communication environment;
  • Identify communicative issues of various media and create contents that respect each media;
  • Show knowledge of various styles of stylistic currents;
  • Engage the client in the storytelling of your media plan;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 120
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 20
Assessment Hours: 20
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specific online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through a practical assessment (100%)
The assessment will take place through the student’s structuring of a web and social media campaign for a given project or product.
The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
UI/UX Design
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  • Create a personal design path;
  • Collaborate with teammates;
  • Deal with scheduled deliveries;
  • Ensure to produce a clear presentation of the whole design process;
  • Be responsible of the success of his project;
  • Carry out task respecting the timing gave by the design supervisor (or client);
  • Monitoring all the phase of the project ensuring that development proceeds as planned;
  • Manage more tasks and project phases simultaneously;
  • Producing efficient papers and presentations in order to tell the story of your project;
  • Understand the briefing;
  • Transform the briefing in a coherent product/concept;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Identify Best Tools to Support Design Process;
– Defining a Design Path to Reach the Goal;
– Describe the Design Phases and the Final Concept;
– Writing a Clear Description of the Concept/Product;

Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

      Apply the graphic design, interaction design and researching skills in a real project;


      Develop a user scenario;


      Demonstrate an understanding of the needs and demands of the client;


      Plan a timeline in order to respect deadlines stipulated by supervisor or client;


      Describe your concept convincingly and consistently with the requirements;


      Present the concept publicly demonstrating effective public speaking and presentation skills;


    Propose ideas to satisfy the briefing requirements;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 120
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 20
Assessment Hours: 20
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through a practical assessment (100%)
The assessment will be carried out by creating a digital interface on a given prototype.
The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Graphic Design for Social Network
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Produce effective social media content for various platforms;
  2. Deal with various audiences on social media;
  3. Ensure correct use of different visual and textual content;
  4. Produce an effective editorial plan;
  5. Ensure appropriate conveying of messages and ensure that audiences are correctly receiving and interpreting messages you are trying to portray;
  6. Transform theoretical knowledge into effective social media campaigns;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Creating a Content Strategy;

  • What is a Content Strategy;
  • Setting Goals;
  • Determining Target Audience;
  • Analysing Competition;
  • Developing an Editorial Calendar;

– Identify Effective Visual Design Contents;

  • Fundamentals of Designing Visual Content;
  • Layout, Callouts, Space, Illustrations, Data;

– Identify Rules of a Social Media Campaign;

  • Network, Consistency, Shareable, Listen, Engage;

– List Different Social Media Audience;

  • What is a Social Media Audience;
  • Competitors;
  • Identifying Your Audience;
  • Different Types of Audience;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Apply theoretical knowledge in a real-time social media project;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the audience’s differences;
  • Design effective visual design content;
  • Describe the fundamental rules of an effective social media campaign;
  • Design appropriate content related to the kind of social media channel and related audience;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 80
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 20
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 150 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 6 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Specific online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of a written examination with both closed-ended and open-ended questions (100%).
The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above
Motion Graphic Tools
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Produce effective motion graphic to ensure added value to project;
  2. Manage the main features of Adobe After Effects and of Final Cut Pro in a suitable manner;
  3. Ensure the use of motion graphic in its most appropriate use;
  4. Ensure the correct implementation of the theoretical knowledge gained throughout this module into effective motion graphics;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Identify Software for Motion Graphics

  • Adobe After Effects
  • Final Cut Pro

– Describe the Differences between Animation and Motion Graphic

– List Benefits of Motion Graphics

  • Cost and time effective;
  • Brand recognition;
  • Communicate effectively;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Make effective use of the software
  • Choose the most appropriate tools to support the design development;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 20
Self-Study Hours: 60
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 10
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 100 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Unit 4 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of a practical assessment (100%).
The assessment will take place through the editing of video material and the animation of a given product.
The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
3D Modeling and Rendering
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Create a 3D drawing, with the support of digital modeling tools;
  2. Represent 3D drawing with photorealistic rendering;
  3. Operate software used for 3D drawing and rendering;
  4. Articulate ideas using 3D software;
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Understand Product Design;

  • Tools of Product Design;
  • Techniques of Product Design;
  • Differentiating between 2D and 3D Modeling

– Define the essentials of 3D Modeling;

  • Types of 3D Modeling (NURBS Modeling, Polygon Modeling)
  • Terms used in 3D Modeling (faces, edges, vertices);
  • 3D Design Tools;

– Identify the principles of Rendering;

  • What is Rendering;
  • Basic Principles of Rendering;
  • Process Steps in Rendering;
  • Ground Coordinate System;
  • Perspective Eye Coordinate System;
  • Visible Surfaces;
  • Illumination Model;
  • Reflection (Types of Reflection and Models);
  • Shade of Visible Surface;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Show knowledge of software used for 3D drawing;
  • Exhibit knowledge of software used specifically for rendering;
  • Define the basic concepts of geometry, axonometric and perspective;
  • List and critically examine the different types of surfaces and modelling methodology;
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 120
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 20
Assessment Hours: 20
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, the class will be divided into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specific online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed

This module shall be assessed through the use of a practical assessment (100%)
Specifically, the following will be required:

  • 3D drafting of a rendering of a simple object that the student can choose among the proposed ones.

The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.

Photography and Postproduction
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Produce and create effective storytelling by ensuring the right use of images and photos;
  2. Manage editing and correction software effectively;
  3. Be responsible for the implications of a poor choice of images in an advertising campaign;
  4. Ensure that the rights covering photographs and images are respected and ensure that they are respected during a project;
  5. Controlling lighting, tones and colours in shots;
  6. Manage the client’s request for a photographic collection in its entirety
  7. Take and choose the best photographs to tell a message;
  8. Supervise the display of a photographic exhibition from all points of view
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– List Photography Styles;

  • What is a Photography Style;
  • Finding your Own Photography Style;
  • Photography Genres (Portrait, Landscape, Macro, Conceptual, Dance, Event, Photojournalism, Underwater, Architecture, Street);

– Identify Role of Colours, Lights and Tones;

  • Tones in Colour Photography
  • Tones in Black and White Photography;
  • Colours and Lights;

– Recall the Role of Photography and Advertising;

  • Pre-Production, Production & Post-Production in Advertising Photography;
  • Storyboard, Advertising Photoshoot and Mock-Ups;
  • Image Processing;
  • Experimental Photography;
  • Stock Photos;
  • Types of Photography for Advertising;

– Identify Main Influencers of Photography

  • Main Influencers of Photography
  • Impact of Influencers on Modern Advertising
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Use software such as Lightroom and Photoshop in a manner which is beneficial for the project at hand;
  • Demonstrate understanding of the different types of photography;
  • Exhibit awareness of the different types of advertising photography as well as pre-production, product and post-production photography in advertising;
  • Assess the role of photography in advertising;
  • Identify the main influencers of photography and how they impact modern advertising
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 30
Self-Study Hours: 90
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 20
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 150 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 6 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a practical assessment (100%).
The assessment will take place by editing photographic material given.
The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Internship 1 – Practical
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Collaborating with other professionals and colleagues in the practice;
  2. Carrying out tasks as required
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

  • Understand the basic principles of customer management;
  • Describe how a project should be managed;
  • Illustrate acquired skills
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate good communication skills with other professionals;
  • Apply theoretical knowledge to practice;
  • Interact with other professionals for treatment;
  • Demonstrate rational application of chosen working methods
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 20
Self-Study Hours: 5
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 70
Assessment Hours: 5
Total Learning Hours of this Module 100 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 4 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught

This module will make use of a range of pedagogical approaches. Learning will be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, theory-based lectures, as well as giving students the opportunity to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being able to implement these theories in practice.
In particular, online lectures will be provided through VLEs and the student will be able to actively participate in the lectures.
The student will have the opportunity to carry out the internship activity in one of the locations in agreement with the institution.

The internship will take place at:

Via Antonio Gramsci 10, 10123
Torino – Italy

Via Cantaranino 7, 46100
Mantova, Italy

Vojvode Putnika 9, 36000
Kraljevo, Serbia

Unconventionalproject di Beatrice Ferri
Via Pietro Bembo 37, 61049
Urnabia (PU), Italy

Via Santa Giulia 4, 10124
Torino, Italy,

The facilities are directly in agreement with the institution, so the student won’t need to search for it.
The hours will be available according to the programme.
The facilities are directly in agreement with the institution.
Each student can choose among the accredited institutions where to undertake the internship for each of the internship modules of the programme.
The internship can be undertaken in the same venue, or in different venues.
The objective of the internship is to enable the student to implement the practical, theoretical and methodological tools acquired during the course of study, to identify and implement skills necessary to consolidate their professional training.
The placement will proceed under the direct supervision of the Clinical Educator.
The student must follow the instructions and directions given by the CE and his/her colleagues.
The duties and responsibilities are descripted in the Memorandum of Understanding stipulated with the venue of the internship.
The internship hours need to be completed in order to access the next internship module (from one year to the other).
All the internship modules and hours need to be completed in order to complete the programme and obtain the degree.

Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of a student report (30%)
And a tutor assessemnt (70%)
In the report, the student will have to explain the notions learnt during the professional training, with a focus on management and active participation in a project.
The report will be submitted through VLE and it will be 800 words.
The pass mark is 50%.
Introduction to Web Development
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Produce a working website using the coding method learned;
  2. Manage all the development process, both creative and technical
  3. Collaborate actively with web developers
  4. Carry out Web Development tasks
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– List the Components and Structure of a Website

  • Web host;
  • Address;
  • Homepage
  • Design
  • Content
  • Content
  • SEO & Analytics
  • SEO & Analytics

– Understand the function of these components

– Recall Functions of HTML

  • Calling up HTML functions;
  • Set up a template;
  • Define links and text
  • Choose Images
  • Format Tables
  • HTML and Internet functions
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Design and develop a website using HTML5 and CSS;
  • Design and develop a website using WordPress and its plug ins;
  • Demonstrate understanding of the difference between coding languages;
  • Undertake further studies in web and mobile app developing
  • Rate website performances and propose solutions
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 30
Self-Study Hours: 90
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 20
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 150 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 6 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module is assessed through the use of a practical assessment (100%).
The assessment consists of a more structured execution of a mobile or desktop web page following a template provided by the teacher.
The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Presentation Skills and Public Speaking
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Deal with any type of audience and present projects in a clear and understandable manner;
  2. Ensure high understanding and comprehension of one’s own speech
  3. Manage public presentations in a successful manner
  4. Produce an effective presentation which allows the audience to comprehend fully the end message of the project
  5. Guide audience and keep them engaged during one’s presentation
  6. Deliver an informative and effective public speech
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Recall Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

  • The Need for Effective Public Speaking;
  • The Need for Effective Presentation Skills

– List the elements for Creating a Public Speech

  • Content;
  • Structure;
  • Outline
  • Organisation

– Analyse the Audience

  • Understanding your audience;
  • Benefits of understanding your audience;
  • Adopting an audience-centered approach
  • Gathering and interpreting information

– Communicate effectively

  • Building a rapport with the audience;
  • Active Listening;
  • Verbal and non-Verbal Communication Skills;

– Recall the elements for Overcoming Communication Anxiety

  • Get Ready for the Presentation in an efficient way (prepare carefully, know audience, challenge negative thinking etc);
  • Structuring of the Presentation

– List different Digital Presentation Tools

  • Making the best out of digital presentation tools;
  • Using digital platforms for your presentation
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Apply the techniques learnt in real-life scenarios and presentations;
  • Prepare a clear and effective narrative path;
  • Demonstrate comprehension and understanding of the target audience
  • Keep audience engaged throughout the whole speech
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 20
Self-Study Hours: 70
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 0
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 100 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 4 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Specific online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module will be assessed through the use of an individual presentation sharing the student’s screen and debating the topic presented (100%).
The presentation will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Portfolio and Marketing
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Manage one’s promotion and marketing strategy and physical and social presence;
  2. Ensure high understanding of one’s own personal values
  3. Manage the contents of one’s portfolio effectively
  4. Develop a personal portfolio which highlights the strengths of the individual personally and professionalism
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Understand the principles of Marketing

  • What is Marketing;
  • The Portfolio and Marketing in relation to promoting oneself

– Promote Oneself as a Designer

  • Portfolio and Online Portfolio;
  • Build Social Following;
  • Reaching Digitally
  • Conferences and Events
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate a clear representation of one’s own personal strengths, knowledge, competences and skills;
  • Use strengths and weaknesses to ensure the acquisition of projects with are the most successful;
  • Prepare an effective self-promotion strategy
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 20
Self-Study Hours: 70
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 0
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 100 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 4 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of a submission of a portfiolio (50%) and a marketing strategy for the future profession (50%).
The portfolio will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
Project Management
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Manage various teams throughout a project life-cycle, such as a creative team and a technical team;
  2. Manage timing and deliveries
  3. Ensure high understanding of roles and responsibilities within all group members and at all levels
  4. Collaborate with colleagues, clients, manufacturers, suppliers, and other stakeholders involved within a project
  5. Produce material such as Gantt Charts and project budgets
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Define a project roadmap
– Describe clearly a briefing to your team
– Identify the best practice to develop a project
– Find solutions for team efficiency
– List tasks and deadline for an effective design path

Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Define a project pathway;
  • Apply the competences learnt on a real project;
  • Demonstrate comprehension of the client’s briefing
  • Engage and discuss transparently with team members within project
  • List tasks and deadlines for effective project design path
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 20
Self-Study Hours: 70
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 0
Assessment Hours: 10
Total Learning Hours of this Module 100 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 4 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Specific online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through a practical assessment(100%).
Based on a given scenario, develop a strategy and the best route to achieve the objective.
The assessment will be submitted through VLE and the pass mark is 50% or above.
IoT (Internet of Things) Design Project
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Ensure to produce a clear presentation of the whole design process;
  2. Be responsible of the overall monitoring and success of a social design project
  3. Deal with scheduled deliveries in an IoT product
  4. Ensure the production of a clear presentation of the whole design process
  5. Carry out task respecting the timeframes stipulated by the design supervisor or client
  6. Monitor all the phases of the project and ensure the development proceeds as planned
  7. Produce efficient papers and presentations in order to clearly present the story of the project
  8. Transform client briefing into an effective product/concept
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Understand IoT Design

  • What is IoT Design;
  • What is the Role of IoT

– Recall the Six Principles of IoT Design

  • Research;
  • Value Focus;
  • Bigger Picture;
  • Security;
  • Context;
  • Good Use of Prototypes;

– Explain Examples of IoT Design

  • DHL’s IoT-Powered Tracking and Monitoring System;
  • Cisco’s Factory;
  • Kohler Verdera Smart Mirror;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Apply historical knowledge gained to enhance your own design methodology;
  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the history of product design and development;
  • Exhibit deepened awareness of the contemporary design
  • Apply all the design skills and tools previously learned
  • Demonstrate complete understanding of the briefing of the client and effectively match it with the concept development
  • Design solutions starting from a defined precise issue
  • Apply Graphic Design skills, interaction design skills, UI design skills, sketching skills, 3D modeling skills, and rendering skills in a real-life project
  • Demonstrate understanding of the needs and demands of clients
  • Design a project starting from the client’s briefing
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 90
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 40
Assessment Hours: 30
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specific online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed

This module shall be assessed through the use of a practical assessment.
The assessment consists of:

  • assessment of the project that the student has drawn up independently (80%)
  • presentation of the project (20%)

The pass mark is 50% or above.

Branding and Packaging Project
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Create a personal design pathway based on individual preferences;
  2. Ensure a clear presentation of the design process as a whole
  3. Carry out tasks respecting the timeframes stipulated by the client or the design supervisor
  4. Monitor all phases of the project, whilst ensuring that all development proceed as planned
  5. Comply with the briefing provided at the start of the design
  6. Ensure effective communication of the message being portrayed through the brand identity of the project/product/service
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Choosing the Most Effective Graphic Design Tools
– Defining a Clear Path to Reach the End Goal
– Recall all processes and phases of brand design
– Match the Briefing Request with the Concept Development
– Write a Clear Description of Your Campaign

Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Apply semiotic skills in a real life project;
  • Demonstrate confidence whilst using graphic design tools;
  • Exhibit understanding of psychology of colours
  • Demonstrate understanding of the specific demands of the client in a given project
  • Plan schedules according to dates and timeframes stipulated prior to the initiation of the design phase of the project
  • Design a brand identity for the advertising campaign based on the briefing
  • Present the concept in public demonstrating outstanding presentation and public speaking skills
  • Design a full presentation of your concept which clearly identifies and describes all steps undertaken in the design path
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 90
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 40
Assessment Hours: 30
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specific online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed

This module shall be assessed through the use of a practical assessment.
The assessment consists of:

  • assessment of the project that the student has drawn up independently (80%)
  • presentation of the project (20%)

The pass mark is 50% or above.

Advertising Campaign Project
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Create a personal design pathway based on individual preferences;
  2. Ensure a clear presentation of the design process as a whole
  3. Carry out tasks respecting the timeframes stipulated by the client or the design supervisor
  4. Monitor all phases of the project, whilst ensuring that all developments proceed as planned
  5. Comply with the briefing provided at the start of the design
  6. Ensure effective communication of the message being portrayed through the advertising campaign
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Outline the most appropriate graphic tools for the realisation of the project
– Draw a linear path to achieve the pre-set objective
– Memorise the steps for creating the advertising project
– Match the client’s requests with the project ideas
– Develop a paper format that reflects the digital one

Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Apply semiotic skills in a real life project;
  • Demonstrate confidence whilst using graphic design tools;
  • Exhibit understanding of psychology of colours
  • Demonstrate understanding of the specific demands of the client in an given project
  • Plan schedules according to dates and timeframes stipulated prior to the initiation of the design phase of the project
  • Design a brand identity for the advertising campaign based on the briefing
  • Present the concept in public demonstrating outstanding presentation and public speaking skills
  • Design a full presentation of your concept which clearly identifies and describes all steps undertaken in the design path
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 40
Self-Study Hours: 90
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 40
Assessment Hours: 30
Total Learning Hours of this Module 200 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 8 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed

This module shall be assessed through the use of a practical assessment.
The assessment consists of:

  • assessment of the project that the student has drawn up independently (80%)
  • presentation of the project (20%)

The pass mark is 50% or above.

Internship 2 – Professional
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Collaborating with other professionals and colleagues in the practice;
  2. Processing client requests
  3. Being responsible for a project proposal
  4. Plan a working strategy
  5. Apply acquired design skills
  6. Evaluate and propose alternative techniques
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Understand the basic principles of project management
– Describe how a project should be formulated
– Outlining work options
– Critically evaluate possible work options

Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate good communication skills with the client and other professionals;
  • Apply theoretical knowledge to practice;
  • Undertake comprehensive work planning
  • Interact with other professionals in order to finalise the work project in the best possible way, while respecting the client’s requirements
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 30
Self-Study Hours: 5
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 110
Assessment Hours: 5
Total Learning Hours of this Module 150 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Face-to-Face Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 6 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught

This module will make use of a range of pedagogical approaches. Learning will be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, theory-based lectures, as well as giving students the opportunity to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being able to implement these theories in practice.
In particular, online lectures will be provided through VLEs and the student will be able to actively participate in the lectures.
The student will have the opportunity to carry out the internship activity in one of the locations in agreement with the institution.

The internship will take place at:

Via Antonio Gramsci 10, 10123
Torino – Italy

Via Cantaranino 7, 46100
Mantova, Italy

Vojvode Putnika 9, 36000
Kraljevo, Serbia

Unconventionalproject di Beatrice Ferri
Via Pietro Bembo 37, 61049
Urnabia (PU), Italy

Via Santa Giulia 4, 10124
Torino, Italy,

The facilities are directly in agreement with the institution, so the student won’t need to supply anything.
The hours will be available according to the programme.
The facilities are directly in agreement with the institution.
Each student can choose among the accredited institutions where to undertake the internship for each of the internship modules of the programme.
The internship can be undertaken in the same venue, or in different venues.
The objective of the internship is to enable the student to implement the practical, theoretical and methodological tools acquired during the course of study, to identify and implement skills necessary to consolidate their professional training.
The placement will proceed under the direct supervision of the Clinical Educator.
The student must follow the instructions and directions given by the CE and his/her colleagues.
The duties and responsibilities are descripted in the Memorandum of Understanding stipulated with the venue of the internship.
The internship hours need to be completed in order to access the next internship module (from one year to the other).
All the internship modules and hours need to be completed in order to complete the programme and obtain the degree.

Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of a student report (30%)
And a tutor assessemnt (70%)
In the report, the student will have to explain the notions learnt during the professional training, with a focus on management and active participation in a project.
The report will be submitted through VLE and it will be 1200 words.
The pass mark is 50%.
Thesis Project
Learning Outcomes
Autonomy and Responsibility:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  1. Collaborate with colleagues/team members effectively;
  2. Create an effective personal design path
  3. Comply with stipulated time frames and schedules
  4. Ensure the correct representation of the whole design process
  5. Carry out tasks effectively and in a timely manner to ensure compliance with stipulated timelines by the client or the supervisor
  6. Monitor each phases of the project to ensure development as planned
  7. Manage tasks and phases simultaneously and effectively
  8. Produce effective reports providing a clear representation of the project
  9. Comply with the market needs and market expectations
  10. Guide client, supervisor or partners through the development of the project
  11. Design a full presentation of one’s concept which describe each and every step in the design path
Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

– Write a full paper about a chosen project
– Draft a project on a specific chosen theme
– Manage a project from the idea phase to the delivery phase

Applying Knowledge and Understanding:


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Find the best tools to support one’s own specific design process;
  • Define a specific path to reach the end goal of the project;
  • Describe all the design phases as well as the final concept in an effective manner
  • Identify critical issues and develop coherent design solutions
  • Write a clear description of the concept, product or service
  • Define a clear user scenario prior to the development of the product
  • Demonstrate understanding of the needs and demands of the partners and market
  • Plan a workflow which respects all stipulated deadlines
  • Apply Graphic Design, Interaction Design and UI Design skills in a real-life project
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit Total Contact Hours: 60
Self-Study Hours: 120
Supervised Placement and Practice Hours: 90
Assessment Hours: 30
Total Learning Hours of this Module 300 Hours
Mode of Delivery Fully Online Learning
Total Number of ECTS of this Module/Un 12 ECTS
Explain how this module/unit will be taught This module shall make use of a number of pedagogical approaches. Learning shall be done through the use of a mixture of presentations, lectures based on theories as well as give the learners a chance to participate in their own learning through discussions. This is done to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary theoretical background and knowledge related to the area being studied, as well as being capable of implementing said theories to practice.
Practice sessions will be conducted by sharing the teacher’s screen and the students in turn to show their work.
In addition, it will be possible to divide the class into small groups so that the teacher can focus on each student’s work and ensure common training.
Specifically online lectures will be provided through VLE and the student will be able to actively participate in the lessons.
Explain how this particular module/unit will be assessed This module shall be assessed through the use of a formulation of a project proposal (20%) and on the submission of the final thesis (10,000 words – 80% of total mark).
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